Ramadan Mubarak

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To begin with, please note that I am not a scholar, and that other people more qualified than me will be able to answer your question. 🙂

Indeed 🙂 Ramadan, among other things, includes fasting, which means that Muslims cannot eat or drink from sunrise to sunset. In Islam, fasting is obligatory for any Muslim who is pubescent and of sound mind.

And yes, you are also right, there are exceptions. During Ramadan, some people are not required to fast. It's especially children who haven't reached puberty, elderly people who cannot fast, women who are menstruating, or sick people for whom fasting may be a risk.

Normally, it is not permissible to break your fast for exams. But since your friends seem quite young, I think it should not be a problem. 🙂 But when they grow up, it may be mandatory for them. Since I grew up, I myself had several exams during Ramadan, and it did not hinder my concentration. 🙂 but it depends on each person's abilities.

Ramadan used to be difficult for me when I was younger, but over the years I've got used to it 🙂 Today, I only find the first day a bit complicated, because you have to get used to it. I often have a headache the first day, and it disappears when you rest in the evening. Fasting makes me realize that many people in the world do not have enough to eat every day, that's why sharing is very important during ramadan. It also helps to remember God in his power, because in Islam, compared to humans, God does not eat.

Usually, Muslims call the 'sugar festival' by its Arabic name = 'Eid el Fitr'. It's a lovely day because we are happy to have managed to complete Ramadan and fulfill ourselves as Muslims, and become better people everyday. 🙂 Traditionnally, everyone goes for the Eid prayer at the mosque, and when it is over, everyone has their own way of celebrating Eid. People go home and gather the whole family, or they go out and have a big picnic, or they go for a walk, and more... But families always get together 🙂. Some houses can feature decorations like balloons or lanterns, and people often eat cakes and sweets, hence why it has the surname of 'sugar festival' 🙂

But hey Yue you know a lot of things ! Great job! 😃 @Sarahsalah27 @Fleurke @Esma-Nur do you agree ? 😁

Thank you very much @Sabri_KC for what you wrote!! Merci beaucoup!! 🙏🙏 This helps a LOTTTT to understand more about the Ramadan. I think people who can do it should should get a lot of respect for it because it is difficult and you must be strong to do it. I want to do in the future one day the Ramadan (even if it is just one time). Only to show support for my friends who do the Ramadan the whole time period and I want to understand it. But i think now it is maybe dangerous bc i am still a bit underweight and if you do fasting like that i dont know what it can do with energy suddenly. So i want to make sure first that it is ok. I hope that your Ramadan and also of others on this site goes well!! 🙂

Good luck with fasting everyone!!