Hi, I'm María, and I'm learning French. I would love to find someone that want to speak with in French. I can teach you my native language ( Spanish 😉 .
Hi, I'm María, and I'm learning French. I would love to find someone that want to speak with in French. I can teach you my native language ( Spanish 😉 .
Si vous souhaitez parler français, c'est possible. Le français n'est pas ma langue maternelle, mais je le parle assez bien. En attendant, j'aimerais pratiquer un peu mon espagnol, donc ça marche bien.
If you want to speak French, this is possible. French is not my native language, but I speak it quite well. In the meantime I would like to practice my Spanish a bit, so that works out well.
Hi, I'm María, and I'm learning French. I would love to find someone that want to speak with in French. I can teach you my native language ( Spanish 😉 .Hola je suis français et je parle un peu espagnol, je serais content de pouvoir t'aider en français si tu as besoin, j'ai envie de m'améliorer en espagnol également
If anybody likes writing short messages in French I would like that too. Now my French is not really good and in school it is different than with chatting I think. Merci beaucoup! 🙏🌸🌺
Ow and I will not use google translate but make a good effort with books and i have a dictionary Dutch-French. 🙂
With pleasure, what's your level in french ?
Si je parle français, tu comprends?
Ah d'accord, tu peux dire " j'ai appris (learn)le français un an a l'école"
Who is Etienne ? 🤣 And yes
Oui je viens de France
Who is Etienne ? 🤣 And yesThe ppg moderator
Le francé est trés dificile. Ç'est pas un langue que tu veux aprendé.