

  • 9m
  • Living abroad for one year

    As ek vir 'n jaar in die buiteland sou woon, dink ek dit sal Suid-Afrika, Kaapstad wees. Die land het 'n aangename klimaat en daar is baie om daar te sien. Die infrastruktuur, in teenstelling met baie Afrika-lande, is baie goed. Suid-Afrika, here I come.

    If I live abroad for a year, I think this would be South Africa, Cape Town. That country has a pleasant climate and there is plenty to see. The infrastructure is, in comparison with other African countries, is very good. South Africa, here I come.

  • Cities and countries I have visited

    Ho visitato molte città all'estero, ma sono ancora attratto dalla cultura e dalla storia delle città italiane, Milano, Venezia, Firenze, Roma, Siena, Napoli, Luca, ... . Ci sono molte città italiane che meritano di essere visitate e dove i turisti non arrivano quasi mai.

    I have visited many cities abroad, but am still most drawn to the culture and history of Italian cities, Milan, Venice, Florence, Rome, Sienna, Naples, Luca, ... . There are plenty of Italian cities worth visiting where hardly any tourists come.

