Supporting Palestine or Israel?/支持巴勒斯坦还是以色列?/支持巴勒斯坦還是以色列?/팔레스타인을 지지하는가 아니면 이스라엘을 지지하는가?/パレスチナを支持しますか、イスラエルを支持しますか。/Palästina oder Israel unterstützen?/Soutenir la Palestine ou Israël?/Палестина или Израиль? Politics and governments



Ah, and what they did a year ago you forgot? Those people only had applause for that.

I suggest you to read the details what they did during that massacres.
And an additional hint: This whole thing was planned in details weeks and months ago by Hamas

I would like Israel to have a different government and a head of government who wanted to put an end to this tragedy which risks involving the whole world. I love the Israelis and the Palestinians but I cannot love their rulers and their leaders. These people's hands are covered in blood 😞

Ah, and what they did a year ago you forgot? Those people only had applause for that.

I suggest you to read the details what they did during that massacres.
And an additional hint: This whole thing was planned in details weeks and months ago by Hamas






I would like Israel to have a different government and a head of government who wanted to put an end to this tragedy which risks involving the whole world. I love the Israelis and the Palestinians but I cannot love their rulers and their leaders. These people's hands are covered in blood 😞
One of the problem ist that Netanjahu needs the war at the moment because otherwise he would probably jailed into prison.

The Hamas had the chance to build up something useful from 2006 to 2023, but they had no interest in it. The only they did is to use ressources to build weapons instead giving it to the population in Gaza. The population is a useful protection shield, nothing more.
The Israelis shew that this strategy does not work thats a cruel dilemma.

But again: The Hamas planned this together with Iran and Hisbollah.

In Iran every pupil learn in primary school (!!) that Israel must be destroyed. Imagine that...

One of the problem ist that Netanjahu needs the war at the moment because otherwise he would probably jailed into prison.

The Hamas had the chance to build up something useful from 2006 to 2023, but they had no interest in it. The only they did is to use ressources to build weapons instead giving it to the population in Gaza. The population is a useful protection shield, nothing more.
The Israelis shew that this strategy does not work thats a cruel dilemma.

But again: The Hamas planned this together with Iran and Hisbollah.

In Iran every pupil learn in primary school (!!) that Israel must be destroyed. Imagine that...


Chris i notice something interesting

everytime i update topic about politics ,everytime u follow behind me

Its your impression, but its more a random. Depends on who gave the last answer.

Chris doesn't have a good opinion of China and Chinese schools.
He mostly argues against the Chinese system.
He can do anything...
But I think it's funny that an old man constantly gets involved in discussions made by kids.

Chris doesn't have a good opinion of China and Chinese schools.
He mostly argues against the Chinese system.
He can do anything...
But I think it's funny that an old man constantly gets involved in discussions made by kids.
Is Chris old?



I'm supporting Palestinians victims and Israéliens innocents victims !!

I'm supporting Palestinians victims and Israéliens innocents victims !!

I'm supporting Palestinians victims and Israéliens innocents victims !!

I agree. There are so many victims and I am very angry if people celebrate attacks like it is good. It was a horror what happened last year in Israel how they did the terror attacks and how innocent people suffered. But what happened after it in Gaza and now also Libanon is also terrible. This conflict should end but that will not happen no matter how sad and stupid that is. 🙁

The US should not give up the fact that Israel is invading for the sake of Jewish voters.