Is healthcare public or private in your country ? 정치 및 정부

In Italy it is public but if you have to make urgent visits it is difficult to find a free place and if forced go privately

Like here. Public, but many or most people use private, because it's just better quality and faster.

Public but people generally use private since public involves standing in massive queues and then waiting for hours.

Zum Glück kann man sich bei uns privat versichern wenn man nicht gerade Angestellter mit kleinem Einkommen (unter der Jahresarbeitsentgeltgrenze) ist. Die Gesetzliche Versicherung in der Bundesrepublik deckt nur das medizinisch absolut Notwendige ab. Zähne gehören mit Ausnahme der Kariesentfernung schon nicht mehr dazu.

We have three types. Government Hospitals ( Totally free ), Semi government hospitals ( Have to pay some fee ) and Privet Hospitals ( expensive )