What do you think about what India is doing to the Kashmiris?

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What do you think about what India is doing to the Kashmiris?

What is India doing with the Kashmirs? Ok probably it´s horrible..Can you tell me more about it?

What is India doing with the Kashmirs? Ok probably it´s horrible..Can you tell me more about it?

They have taken the Kashmiri land, they oppress the Kashmiri people, and murder them. They commit unspeakable evil acts to the children and women; it’s really horrible. There’s also a lot more, like how they are placed under a curfew.

Our views on India are influenced by the following,-130.00
Caste system-50.00
oligarch economy-25.00
serious inequality-50.00
Basic sovereignty+20.00
(The above is a joke)

Do you think that the situation could be better with the neighboring Pakistan or China ?
In general, in former EU colonies, the situation was way better during colonial times than the current situation...
But "colonization was bad and a horrible thing" ... so now let's rot the situation, but in which we are not the bad anymore...
So, to answer to your question, I totally don't care, not even blink a eye for the situation in former colonies, they wanted "their freedom", now they have to live with it as they chose...
Personally, I see all this places like children, wanting to make the job by themselves and then realized that they are absolutely not able to, and ask back the parents to it well...
And if you don't agree with me, interest yourself about the Rhodesia or other former countries like this, and see...

Do you think that the situation could be better with the neighboring Pakistan or China ?
In general, in former EU colonies, the situation was way better during colonial times than the current situation...
But "colonization was bad and a horrible thing" ... so now let's rot the situation, but in which we are not the bad anymore...
So, to answer to your question, I totally don't care, not even blink a eye for the situation in former colonies, they wanted "their freedom", now they have to live with it as they chose...
Personally, I see all this places like children, wanting to make the job by themselves and then realized that they are absolutely not able to, and ask back the parents to it well...
And if you don't agree with me, interest yourself about the Rhodesia or other former countries like this, and see...
Kashmir was never part of any European colonies (nor have they ever been); they never “chose freedom”, since they already had it - a result of this was their freedom being ripped away from them. I will honestly admit that I feel more sympathy for the Kashmiris, since my blood is Kashmiri.
If you look at the history of Kashmir, you’ll see that they weren’t “wanting to make the job by themselves” because they were already free, as I’ve previously mentioned.
The reason why they want Kashmir is because of the agricultural benefits, the pure water and the precious metals that can be found mostly everywhere.

"Never part of any EU colonies"...
Yes, you are right, strictly speaking Kashmir was not a British Colony. It was, as you surely know better than me, a princely state under the control of British. But is puppet really free from its puppeteer... even if you can't see the wire ?
Also, surrounding by the British India Empire (British Raj), could be really think that Kashmir was actually free from external management ? Even if we forget the Princely State-Status, could we really imagine that the Giant neighbor British-Raj would let Kashmir whatever it want without any interference ?
And the reason of the conflict is, yes geopolitical benefits, but mainly because, as many times in decolonization, the borders were not 100% clarify, letting an opening for interpretation... As example, the Line of Control that is not established in the Ladakh territories in 1949...

"Never part of any EU colonies"...
Yes, you are right, strictly speaking Kashmir was not a British Colony. It was, as you surely know better than me, a princely state under the control of British. But is puppet really free from its puppeteer... even if you can't see the wire ?
Also, surrounding by the British India Empire (British Raj), could be really think that Kashmir was actually free from external management ? Even if we forget the Princely State-Status, could we really imagine that the Giant neighbor British-Raj would let Kashmir whatever it want without any interference ?
And the reason of the conflict is, yes geopolitical benefits, but mainly because, as many times in decolonization, the borders were not 100% clarify, letting an opening for interpretation... As example, the Line of Control that is not established in the Ladakh territories in 1949...
You are correct; Kashmir may no longer be an empire, or a princely state, and exactly because of this, they will never be free. India will never stop oppressing the people, and blood will never stop raining on the Kashmiri people. Even Pakistan will never let Kashmir be Azadi.

Indian government always wanted to take over Kashmir, by using any mean, without knowing the opinion of people, that's why the Kashmiris are speaking against the Govt. ( I think I should not address them as govt., I should say them religious fascists, who want to deplete every religion and want to expand Hindutva). So govt. is naming everyone as a terrorist who is speaking against them and killing them. It has also happened in Punjab in the 1980s. So it is not surprising for me as we have already faced it. Anyway, I am not a Muslim but I respect every religion and I m with everyone who is against this fascist Indian Govt.

由 not_human 编辑.

One thing is for sure...India is not Going to Hold Referendum...because India has invested a lot in Keeping its Hold In Kashmir...
