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I would like to know about climate in other countrys!
Politiek en overheid
17, uit Noorwegen
February 16, 2020 10:38
February 16, 2020 10:38
How is the climate in your country and what is allowed there?
What are the rules?
This is something i would like to now.
aangepast door Annika2007 February 17, 2020 15:32 .
54, uit Rusland
February 16, 2020 15:01
February 16, 2020 15:01
I live in Siberia. Our climate is hurd useall, but now the weather is very strange, today -2 degrees. It's warm for this month. Sometimes the temperature is change very quickly,from -5 in the morning till -20 in the evening.
24, uit China
February 16, 2020 15:19
February 16, 2020 15:19
hi,i live in the east part of China,here has heavy snow these days and the temperature turn down about 8C suddenly.
17, uit Noorwegen
February 17, 2020 16:33
February 17, 2020 16:33
Oh i forgot to write down how it is in norway.
Rainy, windy or sunny often that. 😉
Dit onderwerp is een tijdje inactief geweest en is nu alleen-lezen.