Hey Sawyer, have seen the orphans in Iraq? Have u seen the widows in Iraq? Do u know many children cannot go to school in iraq anymore? Iraq has been destroyed because of OIL .If there was no oil,USA would not have invaded it. The invasion was illegal.Killing is illegal. Shock and Awe was illegal. It is very easy to fight people who are weak. It is very diffcult to fight strong people. I hope for humanity war wil be over. I hope a new president in USA will do better.

Hey Sawyer, have seen the orphans in Iraq? Have u seen the widows in Iraq? Do u know many children cannot go to school in iraq anymore? Iraq has been destroyed because of OIL .If there was no oil,USA would not have invaded it. The invasion was illegal.Killing is illegal. Shock and Awe was illegal. It is very easy to fight people who are weak. It is very diffcult to fight strong people. I hope for humanity war wil be over. I hope a new president in USA will do better.
You're just making the point i already made,
The U.N can help those widows,those orphans,
But the U.N . did nothing to help them.
But you're very wrong about the reason of the war.
It's not the damn Oil. NOT ONLY.
It's about Osama Bin Ladin,
That son of a ....
killed thousands of Americans,
Hundreds of Israelis.
Same thing for Iran.
You know what's worse than death?
I'll tell you.
Not the death it self,It's the fear.
My friend was in the Second Lebanese War.
While he tried to kill dumb terrorists,
They shot rockets on Israel,killing dozens,
Kidnapping Three Soldiers.
Those Terrorists claim they have no blood on their hands,Well,Don't f*cking believe them!
I agree with you that the U.S did illegal things in Iraq,
It didn't hurt only the Iraqies,
It hurted the U.S too,
If it'll go on,
There will a Civil war in the U.S
Washington is next.
Israel,is an ally of the U.S,
But.. Israel has a stupid government.
That the reason we almost lost in the Second Lebanese War.

sawyer, you are naïve. G.Bush and his governement (and the headmasters of differents factories) just see the economical view. Ben Laden and all these biological bombs are just some excuses.
On this point, i'm totaly okay with Rahil.
You knew that the whole family of ben laden lived in america, and that the us governement payed them a special plane to leave few hours after the crash of the 11 september?
G.bush is mooved by some petroleum firms. that's a fact

We should not make war for economical problem. You should never kill some people for our economy

Edited by French-touch .
sawyer, you are naïve. G.Bush and his governement (and the headmasters of differents factories) just see the economical view. Ben Laden and all these biological bombs are just some excuses.
On this point, i'm totaly okay with Rahil.
You knew that the whole family of ben laden lived in america, and that the us governement payed them a special plane to leave few hours after the crash of the 11 september?
G.bush is mooved by some petroleum firms. that's a fact

We should not make war for economical problem. You should never kill some people for our economy

I am not Naive,
If you're thinking that Bin Laden didn't killed those people
You're not respecting the people who died because of him
They were just like anyone else,
French People died too,
Maybe this will make you understand.
Bin Laden was born in the Saudi Arabia,
Moved to Jordan,and then to Iraq.
after training in Iraq ,He attacked the U.S and ran to Afghanistan.
The U.S stayed in Iraq,Because of the Taliban,and those who tries to kill the Iraqi president.
P.S I'm sure you don't even know what Naive means.

I didn't meant to get to this point,
I just said that the U.N is stupid,
Cause it can't stop Iran funding Terrorists who kill people without a reason.

I did not say that bin laden killed nobody, i said that it was not the reason of the Irak war. I'm sure that he killed a lot of people, and i hate him as i hate a lot of people

The taliban are in the afghanistan, not in Irak.
The US stay in Irak, cause there is still some oil there. And they can't leave without making a civil war in this country.

Well, i didn't want to say naive. I just wanted to say that you accept what the us's governement says. And, i think that they lie (like a lot of governement)

I don't accept what they did.
I can't justify what the did.
They did wrong.
I am not Naive,
But Bush is very Naive,
He doesn't even know what really is happening there.
In Iraq.
On this one i really have to agree with you.
Like Dave said "You may bury the bodies,
But you can't bury the crimes."

Yes, bush is a joke. A lot of buiseness man take the choises for him. That's what i think.
Maybe he think that there really is a...."Dark side". But his governement don't care. they just wan't to see the color of oil and money.

Boy, this war makes me mad. The initial cause was clearly the opening of iraqs oil market to a fragile world economy. Of course, by taking over the country. and now things went outta control and the armies cant just withdraw from iraq because they have turned it into a political mess. and they cant make it better by staying there. So my point is, if they withdraw, its crisis, if they stay, its crisis. A dilemma because of stupid attempts to control oil.

Sawyer, Bush is not naive and everybody know what is happening in Iraq. I am not supporting Saddam Hussein, Taliban or Bin Ladin. Damn Terorism, but I am asking; can terorism kill 1,5 million people in Iraq? Or did Saddam kill 1,5 million people? But invasion killed... Its ONLY cause is OIL. Just OIL. If it wasn't because of it, why didn't USA occupy Spain? There's terorism in Spain also. Or what about Indonesia? There isn't real democracy in Indonesia and there are terorist groups.
Everybody know what is happening in Iraq. Everybody know why USA occupied Iraq. Does Iraq have democracy now? Do you know what is happening in Northern Iraq? Bush is not a naive, we aren't naive also...

Edited by efrasyab .

I hope it will stop soon
I have a family there and you have no idea what's like living there
I'm so angry that bush is making the weapon excuse and stuff to keep the war in iraq
I hate wars and I hate who start wars and I hate killers and murderers, it makes me sick and disgusted from living in a world like that and If I had the power I would clean the earth from all the horrible people

The war must be stopped now. The Bush administration betrayed the world community by saying that Iraq had weapons of mass destructions which could be danger for the world. The former secretary Colin Powel gave false presentation in the security council. The UNO is totally run by Americans. The Bush and his allies want only oil and money from Iraq. six million civilians have been killed. Who is the responsible for these causalities?

you're right and you seem to watch the news alot 😛

i have learnt many experience about war and will love to share with any one who cares reach me on email((email hidden))

Yes american army is destroying Iraq, Yes United-States are in Bankruptcy cause of this War... But after the war It will be americans enterprise who will come to rebuild all the buildings destroyed during the war, who will come to finance all the rebuilt programs and to implant Mc-Donalds and american culture...
It is a big return on investissement for US. They wanted to pacify Iraq, but is it possible to give peace with a gun and a war ? Lol
I think US army (a country who have 300 years of existence) shouldn't claim to give lesson to Iraq, a country old of 5 000 years, a country who is one of the cradle of civilization, a country with an History very rich... (Mesopotamia)

the only reason why the US gov. decided to invade Iraq was because of OIL, that's a magic word for americans 😁 ; Bush didn't care at all about bringing democracy in Iraq, i think he was manipulated by the pentagon (possibility of biological weapons ...). I'm glad president Obama wants to stop this war which has no place to be ( i'm waiting for comments to tell me : " stop it with Obama, u naive chick " 😁).
For me the 2 biggest problems in the world for now (i mean, in terms of war not global warming or starvation...) are Afghanistan and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict
- Afghanistan: in my opinion, there is no point in saying "we are fighting in Afghanistan because we are looking for Ben Laden" --> Ben Laden (im writing his name in the french way)and some Taliban leaders were trained partly by the CIA (no i'm not crazy): during the Cold War, the USA who didn't want the Soviets to take control of Afghanistan, gave weapons to the Talibans and trained them so that they can resist the Soviet invader. As a result, the country is now in a total mess and i don't think Ben Laden would risk hiding there, surrounded by Occidental soldiers ( USA, Canada, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands...). The emergency is Afghanistan is to restore security by dismantling the Talibans (i know this is not easy), americans must stop dreaming, they won't find Ben Laden, he has too many supports and money !!
- Israeli-Palestinian conflict : ihope i won't make any mistakes here because this subject is so complicated ;i'm not going to try to explain the basis of the problem because i assume everybody has heard about it, i just want to give my point of view about how to solve (or try to solve) the problem.
i think both sides should make concessions , on the Israeli side : the gov. should be more strict about the colonies on the palestinian territories (the explanation is clearer in my head than when i translate it in english i'm sorry), Bibi (Benjamin Netanyaou i don't remember how to spell his name, shame on me, "bibi" is his nickname in Israel, don't ask how i know such a thing) should be a little more energic about that and should stop waiting for the US to solve the conflict because Obama doesn't seem to be as concerned about Israel as Bill Clinton was, Obama worries more about Iran (and he's right to worry btw). On the Palestinian side, lets say the Arab side because Israel is kinda surrounded by countries who don't recognize Israel as a nation, they should stop crying " this is our land blabla ", they also should understand the difference between being Israeli and being Jewish(c'est pas gagné :s)
both sides should agree on the creation on 2 states, using roughly the actual borders
WOW i'm completely out of the initial subject 😁 i'll stop now

the war in iraq will end when there is no more oil chinese

but i won't say any more about that subject because the us army helped us in germany after world war 2 (and they teached us to make ketchup! )

im glad that the armed forces are out of iraq but there is still afghanistan. hopefully we'reout of there by next year or i'll probably be shipped there.

I have to concede that I've not read the whole content of your messages but I just want to ask a question :
How could a war terminate if one of the protagonists does not want to see the end of this war ?

Edited by Takido .
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