

  • 2
  • Recentemente ho imparato...

    it's okay if we don't know today what the future will be made of. If something has to be done, it will be done.

  • Sono un esperto di...

    I play piano sometimes but with youtube tutorial 🙂 I sing and dance but my true passions are create clothes and make nail art! So I draw clothes. It's one of my dream to become a famous stylist but for the moment I just want to create unique clothes for myself. I'm good at taking pictures and I would like to learn more about that. I added some pictures I took if you want to see my work.
    I used to be a gymnast but now i do sport at home. And I also love horses.

  • Ciò che mi preoccupa...

    nature and animals

  • Un piccolo trucco o consiglio

    never give up your dreams

  • Città e stati che ho visitato

    i would like to travel all around the world but for the moment i have only visited Germany and England !

  • Libri/autori/film preferiti

    I really appreciate the Harry potter books. I love to write and read books or films

  • Rendere il mondo un posto migliore

    So i will write in french here because i'm not that good in english to make complicated sentences😂. Je pense que l'on devrait arreter de juger, de se comparer aux autres. Les differences sont ce qu'il nous est de plus precieux. Et protéger l'environnement devrait etre aussi une de nos premieres priorités.

  • Vivere all'estero per un anno

    If i could live abroad for one year i think i will visit as many countries as possible. I would love to travel and discover cultures completely different from those I know. And I love meeting new people that's one of the reasons why I signed up here 🙃!

