

  • 6m
  • Città e stati che ho visitato

    I have been to many cities in China, such as Beijing, Shanghai, Xiamen, Tianjin, Guizhou and so on. The most attractive thing during my trip is varieties of delicious food and hanging around. The city impressed me the most is Hangzhou for the reason that the window glass of our cars were smashed by thieves. We had to stayed there for a long time till our cars were repaired well. Therefore, i could eat Dongpo meat and osmanthus rice cake many times.

  • Recentemente ho imparato...

    The latest skill i learned is to be alone, and i am especially proud of it. During i am alone, i often have a kind of satisfaction from calmness. It makes me full of energy, protects me from fierce moods and helps me to do something i am supposed to do.

  • Libri/autori/film preferiti

    Recently, I find pleasure in The Razor’s Edge written by Maugham. Admittedly, Maugham’s control over plot make the book attractive very much. What appeals me more is the life style of characters in the book. They respectively had chosen their own way to future in confusion. However, after years when they looked back they obtained their own gains, like love, entertainment, meaning or calmness. I am at the crossroads of life, often feeling hesitant and walking back and forth. The book give me an idea, whether or not i could cast aside self settings and move on, following the way under my feet and the sound in my heart. Maybe there will be my answer ahead. After all, someone can sacrifice his life to remove a mountain, why can’t i become the foolish old man?

