

  • 7m
  • Μία προσωπική πρόκληση

    Hi, my name is Wiktoria 🙂 I'm pretty introvert and shy first, but i need a chance just to get in company to change this a little. Apart from that i'm extremely curious person and want to know about everything as much as i can. That's hard sometimes because i'm a little scatterbrained and forgetful BUT it only helps me make more place for new informations so don't worry 😃

  • Πάντα απολαμβάνω να μιλάω για...

    I love chatting about writing novels. I'll share little facts about my culture with pleasure also! In free time i like playing games, more for chill, less for competition. I prefer cooperation and fun so if you would like to play with me sometimes don't be surprised that i choose exploring the world over doing main quests 😃

    I'm also insanely in love with "Doctor Who" series and few Rick Riordan's books. Also i love watching animated movies and tv series in my free time 🙂

    But over fun and chill I find much place for deep conversations about some harder topics. So if you want to choose to talk about ecology, politics, science (i know little something about universe) or philosophy - IM IN.

  • Πόλεις και χώρες που έχω επισκεφθεί

    I visited for now only a few countries but i dream about big travels! I'll always choose cheaper but more complicated way if possible, that way i explore the most 😛 I was in Netherlands, France (where i live now) and in Germany. I hope to have an adventure of my life in east Asian countries though. I want to explore all, know better and do more 🙂

    I live now in France for three years and i barely know the language (i know, what a shame on me 😁'). I moved to my bf after being two years in a long-distance relationship. So, i think it's time to improve my french and i hope you would help me! 🙂

