

  • 5
  • Jestem podekscytowany/ana...

    Reading about the history of the other countries, especially the ancient Asian one, and learning a new language.

  • Moje kulturowe zainteresowania

    A lot of things, the differences and similarities between the cultures really grab my attention.

  • Życie za granicą na jeden rok

    I'd like to visit Germany.

  • Osobiste wyzwanie

    - Rebuilding my body again after a long pause because of an injury.

  • Ulubione książki, autorzy, filmy

    Little women
    The great Gatsby

  • Czynienie świata lepszem

    Put the ideologies and politics away and love each other. No matter black or white, African, Asian or American. We all stay humans by the end of the day.

  • Myślę, że ludzie powinni więcej wiedzieć o...


