

  • 2
  • Quelque chose à dire.

    Don't be afraid to write me a message

  • Livres/auteurs/films favoris

    I love reading romance and fantasy. I write my own stories and poems. I love reading books and watching Netflix
    *I can't choose my favorite movies or books*

  • Pour un monde meilleur...

    It would be good if society understood what homosexuality is and that it is not a disease

  • Je trouve surfait ou sous-estimé...

    Underappreciated things is the presence of another person

  • Mes plus grandes fiertés

    My greatest inner achievement is having the courage to publish my book on the internet

  • Ce qui m'intéresse dans les autres cultures

    Cultural interests? I like to learn about the stories of a given person from a given country and continent. I like to understand a man, his country and stories

  • Je suis un(e) expert(e) à...

    I have no idea what I can be an expert at. I know I'm good at sports, music and humanities

  • Un défi personnel

    My daily challenge is to survive each day as best I can

  • Je suis capable de...

    I can talk to people and understand them. I listen to everything and try my best to help

  • Vivre à l'étranger pendant un an

    I have always dreamed of living in Scandinavia. Now I have plans for the USA or Canada

  • J'aime toujours parler de...

    I don't have a topic that I like to talk about. I talk to people about everything

  • Dans 10 ans

    In 10 years, I just want to be happy

  • Plaisirs d'enfance

    When I was a child, I didn't appreciate what I have. I did what I wanted regardless of what other people thought about it

  • Quelque chose d'inhabituel sur moi

    Usually at first glance I am crazy hahaha but when you get to know me closer you will find out that I am a very sensitive person who can talk to

