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  • 세계를 향해 외쳐보세요!

    Hello! As is obvious from my whole profile on here, I am not very concise so sorry if this is long. Anways, My name is Wren (she/they). I love sewing (particularly cosplay), music (listening to it and playing it), history, mythology and also a lot of movies, books etc but I put that in the favourite books/movies/authors section.

  • 좋아하는 책/작가/영화

    Not really a book, author or film but I love musicals, Be More Chill, Little Shop of Horrors, all of Starkid's stuff, Beetlejuice, Carrie, The Theory of Relativity, Hamilton etc.

    Movies: recently rewatched Moana and The Lorax with some friends for nostalgia and cause funny I guess, but they both hold up. Great movies with suprisingly great songs. My favourite movies of all time though, off the top of my head I'd say top three Rocketman, Your Name and V for Vendetta.

    Books: This changes a lot for me but I had to read Animal Farm this year for school and I actually loved it so I'm planning reading 1984 by my own choice and not for an essay. Other books I really like are; A Danger to Herself and Others, I don't love the name, It's a little cringey, but its an amazing book, and I also love all of Agatha Christies books.

    This isn’t in the question but I'm adding it, Video games; Raft, Your Turn to Die, Danganronpa (SDR2 and Ultra Despair Girls are my favourites), Minecraft, Stardew Valley and Doki Doki Literature Club.

  • 과대평가 또는 과소평가

    UNDERRATED: the anime Terror In Resonance or Zankyou No Terror. It is incredible and it makes me cry without fail every time. That is all I have to say here.

  • 내가 방문한 도시와 국가

    In 2018 and 2019 I visisted various places in Europe as well as Hong Kong with a choir I was apart of. They were probably the most incredible experience in my life so far.
    More specifically, I visited Rome, Venice, Marostica, Vienna, Graz, Hong Kong, Paris, Villers-Bretonneux, Neuenhaus, Apeldoorn, Amsterdam, South-end on Sea and London.
    Though I was only in these places for about 3 days each, I stayed with host families and met some of the most amazing people. The people I miss the most are the family in Graz, I'm sad just thinking about them. Even though, it wasn't a big city with tons of well known attractions, I will never forget the experiences I had there from seeing the Kunsthaus Graz Art Museum(look it up) and trying more pumpkin seed oil flavoured foods than I ever thought existed. I hope one day I can go back there and see them again.

  • 다른 문화에 대한 나의 관심

    I love history so I am very interested mostly in the history of different cultures and how they evolved into their current state. I would love to travel the world when I'm older, I want to know what people value about their culture and really just about it in general, especially the parts people are passionate about because in everything, not just culture, people light up when they talk about their passions.

    2 cultures that I specifically want to learn about are polish and french/francophone countries. Firstly polish, though I have never visited poland and only know a little bit of Polish, my Mum is polish and so is her entire side of the family so I feel very connected to Poland and very interested in its culture. When I visited my grandparents house we always had polish food and they showed us our mums traditional polish clothing from events she had taken part in when she was a child visiting poland. Also, slightly unrelated from the question, being connected to Poland through heritage and also being part of the LGBTQIA+ communtiy, I feel very strongly about how homophobic a lot of Poland is right now especially in the government. I know that is a bit unrelated but I felt I oculd mention it here. And finally, with France and Francophone countries, I am currently studying french in school and plan to do it for my HSC and possibly into university as a possible career path I 'm thinking of is teaching french in a english speaking country or english in a Francophone country, or teaching somewhere like canada in any subject as parts of the country have french emersion programs or want teachers to speak french. Anyway, I want to learn about the culture of a place I may want to live someday. Cause don't get me wrong, Australia's great but that being said I hope that I can go to uni somewhere else or once I'm done uni get right out of here.

    That was a bit longwinded, sorry.

  • 장애물 없는 경력

    If I could do anything, I’d want to be a historian or anthropologist studying Ancient Greece and the other ancient societies around the Aegean Sea. Somewhere like Hisarlik, studying the validity of Greek epic poetry.

    But, I’m also really interested in biology so something like marine biology or medical research would be interesting.

  • 최근에 ~를 배웠습니다.

    What a cytotechnologist is!
    I am currently in year1 10, which is when, in Australia, we pick our subjects for our last two years of highschool and our HSC, so I'm trying to work out what I want to do with my life. Then I found Cytology. I really thought I didn't want to don't medicine and to an extent that holds up, I don't want to be a face to face doctor or surgeon or a nurse who sees patients. However, I love science as a subject especially biology, so I was looking around for jons in the field of genetics and biology and I found this. Cytotechnologists work in labs and the analyse people's cells through microscopes, looking for irregularities that show early signs of cancer or infection. It's basically the way they detect cancer early enough to treat it.

