

  • 12
  • Something to tell the world!

    Hey! My Name ist Linda an I'm looking for friends from everywhere. My Hobbies are singing, meeting friends, studying and dancing, even if I'm not really good at it.. <.< 😃I just started to learn korean and spanish, so I'm not really good at it. I'm used to say stupid things 4254268357 times a day & everytime someone is staring at me like "What the hell is wrong with you?", or they don't even understand a word of wht I was saying and sometimes, I don't unterstand myself either. I'm definately the type of person that has fun everywhere and in every situation and the peron who runs into standing buses, doors, persons, etc, but I'm always laughing about myself & yeah, I'm talking much. Very, very much.. xDHowever, I would be happy if you add me, no matter where your from:3See you later! 😃
