

  • 2m
  • Living abroad for one year

    If I had the chance to spend a year living abroad, Australia would be my top pick! I'm always swooning over travel bloggers' stories from there – it's just so alluring! The beaches and endless sunshine are major draws for me. Plus, I'd love the chance to immerse myself in an English-speaking environment for a year. Fluent English speaking is something I've always dreamed of achieving. Maybe one day I'll get to pursue my graduate studies in Australia!

  • Cities and countries I have visited

    I've been to Bali, Japan, Spain, Portugal, and Singapore. The most fascinating trip was going to Hokkaido, Japan, during winter. As someone who's used to living in a subtropical climate, seeing the enormous snowfall was an incredible sight! Waking up to find over a meter of snow piled up outside my door was truly breathtaking!I'm eagerly eyeing up a trip to the US or Australia next--Orlando Disney is really appealing!

  • My proudest accomplishments

    My academic achievements are what I'm most proud of. Since I was young, I've spent countless hours studying, and the truth is that it's been exhausting. I've missed out on so many opportunities to engage with interesting things, and it's a real pity.

  • A personal challenge

    My MBTI personality type falls under ISTJ, and I self-identify as a 90% introvert, deeply embracing my quiet nature. While there's no shame in being introverted, it's time to embrace challenges and step outside my shell. My goals now include expanding my circle of friends and actively participating in conversations – all part of my journey to grow and evolve.

