

  • 1m
  • ¡Algo que decir al mundo!

    Hi ! my name is Violette i'm french, I love manga, cosplay, South park, Stranger things, It chapter 1, Heartstopper, Murder drones, Boyfriend, Gorillaz, Nirvana, Queen, Daft Punk, I love rollerblading, skateboards and playing the drums, listening to music at 3 morning hours, drawing, making friends and more👍✨️👀 I am Genderfluid and Pansexual🏳️‍🌈 three words that sum me up: far too sociable😂👍 Everyone has the right to come and talk to me, I am very open😁✨️💕

  • Mis logros de mayor orgullo

    I am proud of my drawing skills and the ease with which I make friends😆 and I consider myself pansexual and genderfluid (yes I'm proud to be)🏳️‍🌈

  • Libros/autores/películas de tu preferencia

    My favorite books are My hero academya, One piece and Demon slayer🤌✨️(I love manga) my favorite authors are Steven Spielberg, Stephen King and Lovecraft, my favorite film is It🥰 and my favorite series are Heartstopper, Stranger things, Murder drones, South park and of course anime👀✨️and my favorite bands are Gorillaz, Nirvana, Daft Punk and Queen💕

  • Soy un experto en...

    I am a (small) expert in drawing of all kinds, in Japanese culture and in Music😆💕

  • Siempre disfruto hablar sobre...

    Be careful, I talk a little too much about manga🥲 (at least I assume😂)

  • Habilidades personales

    I'll say it again but I have great drawing skills👍😂

  • Algo no muy común sobre mi

    What makes me unique is the fact that I take great responsibility for who I am and I don't care what others think of me, I have a lot of respect for myself because I know that I am a good person😊

  • Un reto personal

    My personal challenge...🤔I don't think I have one 🥲😂

  • Placeres de la infancia

    Idk..🤔 I'm still a child in my head😂👍

  • Recientemente aprendí...

    I recently learned the definitions of all LGBTQIA+ flags😆🏳️‍🌈 I thought it would be complicated but in fact it's very easy to remember, I'm someone who really likes LGBT topics☺️

  • Mis intereses en otras culturas

    Japanese and American culture are the ones that interest me the most and I would like to learn more about them👍

  • Ciudades y países que he visitado

    I visited Rome, Pisa, Florence, London, Switzerland and Paris 👍✨️

  • Viviendo en el extranjero por un año

    I would really like to live somewhere in the United States for 1 year😄

  • Estoy emocionado por...

    I'm pretty excited about the idea of making friends who live in the United States👀✨️👍

  • Haz del mundo un mejor lugar

    For a better world, the thing I would like to do is stop racism and homophobia👍

  • Me preocupa...

    I find it disturbing to criticize someone for the slightest little act or gesture...and I hate prejudices😕

  • Desearía que la gente sepa más sobre...

    I would like people to understand more that we are all human on this planet and that everyone has the right to respect😊✨️

  • Era mejor antes

    I love the style of the time 😂💕

  • Es mejor ahora

    I like this generation because there are more and more freedoms granted to different people👍 Well, it depends...

  • De pequeño siempre quise...

    I loved my childhood, there is nothing I want to change👍

  • En 10 años

    I don't really imagine my future...I concentrate on the present✨️

  • Mis sentimientos sobre el futuro

    I can't really imagine my future💁‍♀️

  • Una carrera sin obstáculos

    I would really like to become a Graphic Designer especially if I have the skills👍✨️, otherwise I would be a photographer💕

  • Mi padres y yo

    I get along very well with my parents, it's very easy to communicate with them, especially since they are very open-minded👍💕 they are a little too protective but that's normal😊

  • Un truco o consejo

    Assume who you are, we don't care about the looks of others😁👍✨️

  • Remordimientos

    I don't really regret it💁‍♀️

  • Mi opinión sobre la naturaleza humana

    I think that men are disgusting beings who only think about their little navels... it disgusts me a little🫤

  • Para mejorar el sistema escolar...

    I would like us to be educated and given respect to everyone around us💕, it is really very important to accept others no matter their difference 👍✨️😁

  • Valorado o subestimado

    Idk...I never thought about it 💁‍♀️

