

  • 2
  • Adoro parlare di...

    Baking, cooking, music, books, movies/ TV series and
    ... my dogs. They make me laugh a lot and are a bit of the feeling of "being home" I'm carrying with me whenever and wherever they accompany me.

  • Sopra o sottovalutato

    Asparagus. Completely overrated.

    Writing letters (like real ones on paper) however is completely underrated.

  • Sono entusiasta di...

    I'm excited about nature. Its coulours, scents, sounds... A blue sky lifts my mood, walking through a forest bathed in sunlight, sunsets, standing on a mountain top looking down on a foggy valley... it brings so much peace and calms me down. I especially love being close to water (e.g. choosing the small café next to the river in the city whenever I go sightseeing).

  • Città e stati che ho visitato

    When I was a child, we used to go to France on vacation (mostly travelling along the Mediterrean coast). Therefore I have a lot of lovely memories connected to France and I recently started trying to learn the French language again.
    I've been to England, where I fell in love with Yorks little streets and alleys and to Scotland with friends, where I fell even harder for the beauty of Edinburgh.

  • Libri/autori/film preferiti

    I love some of the good old classics, like David Copperfield, Pride and Prejudice, the picture of Dorian Grey, Anna Karenina, the stories of Sherlock Holmes (♡), the more adventurous stories of Jules Verne and even Dracula. There really is something fascinating about those kind of books.
    Thanks to Madeline Miller I recently started redescovering books about greek mythology (although I have to google most of the names every few seconds). But I also enjoy reading historical novels or books, that are more scientifical (e.g. other minds by Peter Godfrey-Smith).

