

  • 4
  • Etwas, das du der Welt erzählen willst

    Hello everyone! I signed up here to find friends from all over the world. There is some info about me you should know about me:
    🌸 I am a vegetarian. I don’t eat anybody 🌸
    🌸 I love learning new languages. Currently I learn 3 languages and my goal is to speak them fluently 🌸
    🌸 I am very talkative but I can listen too! 🌸
    If you wanna know more interesting about me, click “Send a message” down below👇🏼

  • Städte und Länder, die ich besucht habe

    I visited nearly all Europe and I really want to go to USA and Canada! All of the countries I visited were interesting and unique!

  • Lieblingsbuch/-autor/-film

    📌Harry Potter by Joanne Rowling. I’ve read those books 10 times each (or more)
    📌Twilight by Stephanie Meyer. I know there are films based on books, but I haven’t
    watched them yet.
    I love all the books I read, these are just my top favorite!
    Probably also Harry Potter😂

  • Ich bin begeistert von...

    Photography, reading, sewing, photography 😂
    I am a very creative person. I also can’t live without learning languages!

  • Meine größte Errungenschaft

    Well, I won a couple of prizes in school competitions, mostly in English 🙂

  • Meine Meinung zur Natur des Menschen

    I don’t understand why people eat meat. I don’t accept answers like “Meat contains animal protein that plants don’t have” Listen to me: I live without meat almost two years without this animal protein. I am okay!

    And even though meat is very nourishing, I still think that we have no right to treat animals like this, killing them.

  • Für ein Jahr im Ausland leben

    Definitely Germany or USA! It’s my dream to go there)

