

  • 6m
  • Powiedz coś do świata!

    Hi, I'm Una🌻!
    An Italian 14yo girl
    I don't bite, so you're free to write to me!

    Maybe at first I may seem boring but I assure you that if I get more confident with you I can be fun 🙈🙈

  • Coś niezwykłego o mnie

    ◍ I love animals 🐾
    ◍ I love frogs 💚
    ◍ My pfp is a frog 😛
    ◍ People call me froggy sometimes 😅
    ◍ I want to get a frog 😌
    ------|🐸 FROG ARE MY LIFEEEEE 🐸|------

    I'm only in my frog era------------ > 🐸🌌

  • Zawszę lubię rozmawiać o...

    You can talk about everything with me:

    You, me, languages, emotions, perspectives, more about your or my country...

    ------|🌟 JUST WRITE TO ME BUDDY!!! 🌟|------
    --(🌻I don't judge anyone so don't worry 🌻)--
    ----|😌Your Froggy(me) will protect you😌|----

  • Za bardzo lub za mało doceniane rzeczy

    Overrated in RL
    --------------------| 🎀 BUT 🎀 |--------------------
    underrated online🐸
    ◍ NEVER somewhere in between

  • Jestem podekscytowany/ana...

    📝| Drawing
    📚| Reading (Mainly online)
    🎀| Creating new AU and OC
    🌌| Galaxy
    ✨|emotions dinamic
    💎| Doing RP (most people don't know what it is anymore)
    🐻| A person who writes to me or a new friend
    😺🐸| Cats and frog

  • Jestem ekspertem w...

    🎶| playing the flute
    🍄| Giving nicknames(I gave each of my friends at least one nickname, so you'll have one 😝)
    🌌| the universe
    🍳| cooking
    🤡| Playing silly things(Roblox ad Palia)

  • Miasta i państwa, które odwiedziłem

    ◍ Italy🇮🇹(Rome, Milano, Genoa)
    ◍ Vatican 🇻🇦
    ◍ Austria🇦🇹(Salisburgo)

  • Kiedyś było lepiej


  • Moje największe osiągnięcia

    ◍ Having learned to play a ukulele in 2
    10 minutes by myself in a bus 🎶
    ◍ Getting a 10/A+ on History 🎀

    ◍ Playing flute in Rome with my school orchestra
    ◍ Playing in Salzburg with my school orchestra

  • Kiedy byłem/am dzieckiem, pragnąłem/am...


  • Ulubione książki, autorzy, filmy

    I always read comics online (mainly on Webtoon)
    My favorites Webtoons are:

    ◍ Jackson's Diary (Exer and Ken>>>>>> )
    ◍ The Blind Prince
    ◍ School bus Graveyard

