

  • 2
  • Мой интерес к другим странам

    I am in love with the idea of traveling, so any country is like a miracle for me. But the most interesting for me are Australia and the northern countries.

  • Мое мнение о природе человека

    I mostly don't like people. In a broad sense, their nature is dirty and useless. People are selfish, they do not know how to love and accept love. They need communication, but if it were possible, then they would not start any relationship.

  • Навыки и умения

    I play the guitar, I like to sing. I write poems, short stories, I like to read. I often do needlework, for example, embroider, knit, sculpt from clay. I constantly change my hobby, but after a while I come back again 🙂

  • Сожаления

    There are a lot of things I regret. Even if it's not my fault.

  • Недооцененное или переоцененное

    People often underestimate the simplest things, such as swinging on a swing and looking at the sky, sorting out old notes...
    And they also overestimate society too much

  • Мои достижения

    I won olympiads and scientific competitions at school all the time. I entered the medical university last year and won the Latin language competition. I've written a lot of poems and a couple of novels, but I haven't published them yet.

  • Города и страны, которые я посетил

    Unfortunately, I haven't been traveling a lot, but in one day I will be liberty to go where I want and do what I want

  • Я специалист в...

    Specialist in procrastination

  • Испытания

    The most difficult thing was to learn to live with my character. Society has never accepted me, so I had to learn to be alone.

  • Любимые книги/писатели/фильмы

    Classics: Harry Potter (books and films), Tolkien, Selinger, London, Coelho, Belyaev, Zusak, Ishiguro, Akutagawa, Ken Kesey, Daniel Keyes and ect.
    Movies: I don’t know, I like actors' playling more than plots
    So I like films with interesting actors and actress

  • За границу на один год

    Australia, Great Britain, USA (Louisiana only), Norway, Iceland... Maybe

  • Я люблю поговорить о...

    Everything! But expecially culture, filmes, music, books, animals, daily routine...

  • Делаем мир лучше

    Not in this life

    We can try, but it's too little to help. I will try, but it doesn't matter anyway

  • Совет или подсказка

    Be on your own. Loneliness makes a person stronger.

  • Радости детства

    I was often alone, so I liked to read, I liked to communicate with animals and ride on swings. And also to created stories about adventures

  • Я недавно научился...

    I'm constantly learning, it's stupid to single out one thing. Although I consider it a special merit that I have learned to put people in their place.

  • Через 10 лет

    I hope I will be able to traveling a lot, maybe I will be famours writer 🙂
    It's my biggest dream

  • Я увлечен...

    Writing, because I found new idea one or two weeks ago...

  • Кое-что необычное обо мне

    I like to draw people, and if I didn't get tired of a person while I was drawing... this is a reason to learn more about him

  • Карьера без преград

    If I could choose without thinking about the need to take care of myself and be strong by myself, then I would devote myself to creativity...
    Model? Actress? Artist? Writer?
    Anyway, it doesn't matter

    P.S. Especially for people who are trying to talk about my appearance... When I say "model", I am being ironic

