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Jestem a 31-letnią kobietą, i żyję w None Of Your Biznass, Indiana, Stany Zjednoczone .
Znam język Hiszpański, Angielski i troszeczkę Włoski, Niemiecki, Francuski.
I am a (soon-to-be) senior in high school and like to hang out with friends and listen to music. My name is Montanna, but my friends either call me Tanna, MJ, or re-re! 😛 I try to live life to the fullest, even when I am feeling down. I am not a very confrontational person, but if I feel that you are doing me wrong, I am not afraid to tell you what I think. I'm a fun girl who likes to have a good time but don't like to do it with anything dangerous. My motto is that you don't need drugs or alcohol to have fun with me! 🙂🙂🙂