

  • 6
  • Jestem ekspertem w...

    making music

  • Jestem podekscytowany/ana...

    meeting new people and making new friends

  • Myślę, że ludzie powinni więcej wiedzieć o...

    my artistic side of myself

  • Osobiste umiejętności

    socializing and being very open to everyone (unless you're a creep)

  • Moje kulturowe zainteresowania

    i love the language, history and passion about Asian culture. or any culture in this matter

  • Powiedz coś do świata!

    Hi~ my name is Tae and I love music. i just want to make new friends. i want to make friends of ALL cultures i don't discriminate. I'm very open minded I'm a dancer and artist. I love to make music. hit me up if you're interested in being friends with me.
    i'm very laid back and we can talk about everything!!

