

  • 8
  • Quelque chose à dire.

    Anastasia from Russia ✌️

    I have three higher educations:

    - Chemist-technologist
    - Psychologist
    - Defectologist

    I took courses on the basics of clinical psychology, a counseling psychologist and the basics of sexology.

    Also, there is a certificate of the photographer 📷

    I work as a psychologist in a children's boarding school.

    Hobbies: dubbing manga/anime, writing music, stories, drawing 🎤🎛️🎨

    I'm looking for friends!

    Uchiha Itachi, Dabi, Geto Suguru one love 💖💖💖💖💖

  • Mes plus grandes fiertés

    I dont remember all. For example, in sports, dance, music, art, languages.

  • Un défi personnel

    Each persons Life n God r presented with different/personal challenges. All of them r different.

  • J'aime toujours parler de...

    I love to talk bout music, bout fashion, bout culture, bout animals, bout the past years, who grew up as who what was his childhood, life, how the world was nowadays. Im a typical old man. Im kidding. But what I had more than 10-15 years ago, the new generation may not be. N sometimes its frustrating. They will not see a real spacious life without a certain technique. Why? Because a lot of technology now surrounds them.

  • Pour un monde meilleur...

    To be kinder, nicer, modest, caring, restrained, sincere, generous, more effective, fervent. In general, only positive qualities. Maybe people will be drawn to something so kind. Take something good from the same kind people on a note.

  • Ce qui m'intéresse dans les autres cultures

    Each countrys is interesting in its own way n Im interested to know bout them!

  • Quelque chose d'inhabituel sur moi

    Each of us is something unusial. Ask in person.

  • C'est mieux maintenant

    Every decade is good! In childhood, we liked one thing, in our youth, we liked another, n in old age - interests can change again. Therefore, we grow, develop n learn a lot of new things together with the world.

  • Je trouve surfait ou sous-estimé...

    The contribution of a person to any work is difficult to overestimate. It means that even the highest estimate of his work will correspond to the truth. But to underestimate is usually easy. We constantly underestimate ourselves, surrounding n outstanding contemporaries. But it is easy to underestimate someone. So, some people received high marks in life, n then their work was forgotten.

  • Villes et pays visités

    America, England, Germany, Greece, Canada, Italy, France.

  • Plaisirs d'enfance

    Music, walked with friends n communicate.

  • Actuellement, je suis emballé par...

    Anime, cosplay, music, draw, sport.

  • Je suis un(e) expert(e) à...

    I am a specialist in psychology, defectology, cooking, selection of clothes n music.

  • Mon sentiment sur le futur

    Can I say that I r optimistic bout the future? Butshot yes than not. Progress in any field is always ahead. If this is not visible, then scientists r engaged in this business.

  • Je suis capable de...

    Emotional intellect. I believe that he is n this is the main of non-core skills that helps to live n work. Intelligence as a whole is our knowledge n ability to work with information. The ability to apply their knowledge in real situations. Empathy helps to interact with others, n most importantly - it can also be developed.

  • J'ai récemment appris...

    I recently started practicing makeup work. I think I'm doing well. I continue my practice.

  • Mon opinion sur la nature humaine

    The essence of a person is those of his properties that cannot be changed so that he does not cease to be himself. In some sciences, a single and unambiguous definition of a person and his nature does not exist. In a broad sense, a person can be described as a being with will, intelligence, higher feelings, the ability to communicate and work.


Ghaznawi Ghaznawi

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Weidenfeld Weidenfeld

Viele Grüße

said.jaouad said.jaouad


KevinAzrale KevinAzrale
