

  • 9
  • 세계를 향해 외쳐보세요!

    Hi 🙂 I'm Niccolò and I'm from Italy. I'm studying at the University and I'd like to meet people from all over the world. We can talk about whatever you like!

  • 내가 방문한 도시와 국가

    I was in Val d'Aosta, Trentino-Alto Adige, Lombardia, Emilia-Romagna, Marche, Abruzzo, Umbria, Lazio, Campania inside Italy, and also San Marino and Vatican City;
    I visited Chamonix in France and Lugano in Switzerland;
    I stayed in Nurnberg and in Berlin on my high school trip.

  • 다른 문화에 대한 나의 관심

    I'd like to know which are the similarities and the differences between my culture and the others.

  • 개인적인 도전

    Trying to be myself always, even in those times when seems preferable to be someone else or something different.

  • 좋아하는 책/작가/영화

    I don't read a lot, apart from my University books.
    I like Italian and some French movies, the important thing is that they must not be the kind of movie that we call "Cinepanettone".

  • 1년동안 외국 생활 하기

    I'd like to visit a place where I can learn English or French better, because they are the only languages I know besides Italian. I'm quite good at writing them but a lot less at speaking. I'd like also to teach a little bit of Italian there, it could be funny.

  • 세상을 더 좋은 곳으로 만들기

    Switch on the brain when it's needed switched on.

  • 만약 내가 어린아이였다면

    As a child I dreamed, and I continue to do it.

  • 어린시절의 즐거움

    Am I not young anymore?

