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  • 有什么想对世界说的

    My name is Christina. I am a very caring and loving person. I have a wonderful husband of 15 years and two kids who I love dearly. I enjoy being with my family and friends. I have always wanted to travel and see the world. I love learning about different cultures and people to be able to learn and see how life is for others.

  • 我对其他文化的兴趣

    I am intested in people and where they live and how different life can be depending on what country you live in. I'd love to chat with and get to know people to learn and share different walks of life.

  • 我最骄傲的成就

    I'd have to say that my kids and my husband then it would be my job. I wasnt sure I'd even be able to have kids since we had lost several pregnancies. But I was blessed with a son then a daughter. I have worked many interesting jobs. I have worked as a zookeeper which was full of danger and excitement.I took care of tigers lions bears and monkeys as well as birds and reptiles. I also was a photo specialist I would develope pictures for people and got to share in thier good memories. I now work for a Hospital in a obgyn clinic helping take care of women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant. I love my job but at times its intense with the covid 19 going on. I worry about exposing my family.

  • 个人挑战

    I'd have to say that losing my only sibling my lil brother. I had to plan his funeral and obituary. I had to raise money just to do this because he died unexpectedly and he didnt have much money at all and was living with me. He had been addicted to drugs and had gotten clean he was doing so good but in the end the drugs got him. He was only 29 . I miss him terribly.

  • 我曾去过的国家和城市

    I havent travelled much but have been to Boston Massachusetts. And coming from mobile Al which I thought was a big city I was floored at how big Boston was and how many tall buildings there was. It was such a exciting experience. So big and fast. People were very friendly and loved my country accent. I've never travelled outside of the USA but long to. I'd love to see Africa and the wilds. I'd love to see the mountains and real snow. Places like Switzerland , Ireland, one day I plan on seeing these places for myself.

  • 让世界变得更美好

    I'd have to say that to make this world better would mean pretty drastic measures on our part. I'm a big believer the more we take from our world the less we will have. But it doesnt just end with preserving nature it begins first with our treatment of eachother. To step outside of ourselves and selfish ways to step up and help others and our world that life could be better for all. But that is such a huge stretch to step outside of our shoes and in the shoes of others and walk with them instead of over them. To put down judgements and disagreements to see eachother as we see ourselves. Would we judge ourselves and condemn ourselves like we do others. How can we know where someone's heart is.

  • 我总是喜欢谈论……

    I enjoy talking about life, good books, movies, and places. I enjoy hearing about other people's trips and adventures they have. Or places they've been. I'm curious about life outside of the USA. I one day hope to travel myself.

  • 最喜欢的书籍/作者/电影

    I love this one!! I love reading just about anything. It's hard to pick a favorite. I love Christina Dodd, Nicholas Spark,Becca Fitzpatrick, Johanna Lindsey. I also like poetry and quotes. I like to watch scary movies action,thrillers and documentaries. I love learning about animals and different countries.

  • 个人技能

    I'm an excellent listener as well as a a good talker lol. My skills would be I'm a quick learner and catch on fast I'm driven and always do 100 percent on any task given to me. I take pride in doing my best. I have to say my flaw is I wear my heart on my sleeve and I'm always on guard of trusting people with my feelings. When your tender hearted you have to be careful who you trust.

  • 我的与众不同之处

    I guess I'd have to that I see life through others eyes. I always live by do unto other as youd have done to you. So in my day to day life I'm constantly trying to be mindful of others around me. I can pick up on if they are sad or happy or even mad. I try to cheer them up or join in with the happy times or even defuse the angry tense moments with encouraging words. I want those around me to be happy so much so that I often feel overwhelmed by the constant emotions I go through each day. I guess that would make me very empathetic.

  • 一个诀窍或建议

    My advice is this never get absorbed in yourself get absorbed in others. Try and see and feel beyond yourself. Life is so short and we dont get a second chance to redo anything. Try and make it count the first go around. Do to others as youd want done to you. If you do this you will only get what you give. So do good and get good.

  • 过去更好

    It was better in my parents generation because thing were cheaper people were more trusting and you didnt have the crime going on like we do now. I use to be able to play all day away from home but knew to come home when the street lights came on. My parents didnt have worry about me . Now a days you cant do that. People also respected and took advice from thier elders now kids are so wild and unruly. People have lost touch with eachother and there is such a distance now. You cant just walk up and start a conversation any more people are more antisocial and there is a fear of getting to close. Even before the covid happened it was this way.Now it's much worse but more understandable.

  • 童年的欢乐

    I'd have to say that running around bare foot and drinking from the water hose was a great experience. We also played outdoors and didnt watch alot of tv or play video games. We invented games or explored the woods. We played in creeks and stayed outside till it was dark. I miss those days. Growing up is no fun with the reality of bills and and job.

