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  • ¡Algo que decir al mundo!

    Hello, I'm looking for new friends from all over the world. I am pursuing a Ph.D. in Psychology. I'm passionate about raising awareness on mental health. I have an ENFP-T personality type who enjoys intellectual conversations, traveling, writing, and listening to music.

    Ice Breaker Questions
    What was your most memorable encounter with a stranger?
    What would you tell your younger self in 3 words?
    What song best describes your personality?

  • Siempre disfruto hablar sobre...

    - Life experiences - - Personal stories - - Entertainment - - News
    - Philosophical topics - - Human Behavior/Psychology - - Sociology
    - Paranormal/science - - Random thoughts/ideas - - Advice
    - Nature/traveling - - Conspiracy stories - - Cooking/recipes
    - Astrology/psychics - - History/spirituality - - Astronomy
    - Series/shows/movies - -Music/world issues - - Celebrities

