

  • 3
  • Mein Interesse an anderen Kulturen

    I'm really interested to know and to discover new culture and new people. The Earth is magic but without people with different languages, culture, history isn't so interesting.

  • Städte und Länder, die ich besucht habe

    I've been throught a lot of country because my family is big and is in all of the world.
    My favourite country is Brasile and my favourite city is Reykjavik, the capital of Island.

  • Meine größte Errungenschaft

    I'm proud to be a pretty good student (i'm joking, i'm the worst student ever, but i'm proud anyway)

  • Ich bin ein Experte in...

    I'm an expert to eat, sleep, and to watch tv.

  • Eine persönliche Herausforderung

    A personal challenge is to be nice with my relatives. They are so many that i don't know all their name. I need a lot of help to be calm and nice with them. Wish me luck.

  • Lieblingsbuch/-autor/-film

    I read every single day not one but two books. I don't have one favorite in particular, but if I really have to choose Anna Karenina.
    My favourite Film are the Disney movie, also i'm 15 years. We are never so old to watch cartoon.

  • Ich rede immer gerne über...

    I love talking about music, animals, nature, photo, tecnology, art (also if I don't understand), family, in other word everything.

  • Meine Eltern und ich

    We are the opposite, never with the same opinion.

  • Für ein Jahr im Ausland leben

    If, in a near future, I'll go in a other country I'll go to the Maldive.

  • Persönliche Fähigkeiten

    I'm successful at ... let me think. Nothing!

