

  • 1
  • Una sfida personale

    The hardest thing I've ever done is putting my goals on hold to help others achieve theirs it automatically leads to a sense of entitlement in others.

  • Sono un esperto di...

    I am an expert in farming and agriculture its also one of my greatest hobbies.

  • I miei interessi nelle altre culture

    I'm intersted in learning about the daily activities in other cultures and sharing a bit about mine as well.

  • I risultati di cui vado più fiero

    Everything in my life has been a great accomplishment as long as I have life I can make even the smallest difference.

  • Libri/autori/film preferiti

    I've recently started reading When his eyes opened.

  • Adoro parlare di...

    I always enjoy talking about progress it brings motivation and innovation to the extent where its hard to remain stagnant in a unhealthy lifestyle.

  • Un piccolo trucco o consiglio

    Piece of advise, always make to most out of everything in your life. The gift of life itself is a great opportunity and whether you choose to value it or waste it will determine what each of us become as individuals.

  • Il mio pensiero sul futuro

    I'm not sure what my future holds but I guarantee I will make the best out each day and the people that I share it with. Including all of you😀

