

  • 3
  • 다른 문화에 대한 나의 관심

    I love to learn new cultures and how they live, their tradition and so on.

  • 좋아하는 책/작가/영화

    My favourite books are alchemist and Harry Potter series.

  • 1년동안 외국 생활 하기

    If I get a chance to live for a entire year in other country, I'll try to visit all the famous places of that country.

  • 세계를 향해 외쳐보세요!

    I wanna say to the world that always stay happy and make new friends because life is too short. Enjoy it.

  • 세상을 더 좋은 곳으로 만들기

    I think the way, to make world a better place is plantation. Because, if forest increased our live gonna be better and joyful.

  • 미래에 대한 나의 느낌

    In my point of view, future is a illusion and not trustable. But again future is a incredible thing without thinking about future we can't do anything.

