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  • Quelque chose à dire.

    Hi guys! My name is Shamira, what is yours? Currently I'm studying Management in Rotterdam. I'm looking for new friends (abroad)! Not just to improve my languages (such as English or German. Speaking of German, I find it soooo difficult, lol) but also new friends to laugh and cry with. My main interests are fashion, art, food, fitness and photography. I also love to travel around with my boyfriend. And last, I'm a fashion photographer, but unfortunately that's on hold because of covid-19. Ok, so... let's be friends!

  • J'aime toujours parler de...

    I always enjoy talking about fashion (!!), cooking, life/deep conversations, Netflix series and that kind of things. Making new friends to learn from them and see things from another perspective would be awesome! I believe you can learn so much from one another. Oh! And if you know anything about fitness or diets, I would love to learn from you!!

  • Je suis un(e) expert(e) à...

    Eating as much as I want, but don't gain weight :$.. I don't know how I manage to do this, lol.

  • Un défi personnel

    So, 2020 has been a year that I finally discovered myself and my style (I really LOVE fashion), 2021 will be the year that I will finally gain more and more confidence.

  • Livres/auteurs/films favoris

    I'm OBSESSED with LOTR and the hobbit.

  • Villes et pays visités

    I have been to America multiple times, because my family lives there. I absolutely love America, despite the racism and the violence, but unfortunately you'll have that problem everywhere.
    Other countries that I visited were Vienna, Czech Republic, England and Germany. I really loved Germany tho. I went to Berlin, and I will certainly will go back.

