

  • 1
  • Città e stati che ho visitato

    Vienna, Rome, USA, Florida, Georgia, Crimea.

  • I miei interessi nelle altre culture

    Everything is interesting.

  • Libri/autori/film preferiti

    Gulliver's Travels. I like old French movies. I add some more later.

  • Vivere all'estero per un anno

    Maybe somewhere in Asian country, but I am not sure.

  • Adoro parlare di...

    I don't mind to talk about politics, nature, science, religion, culture and many, many other things.

  • Rendere il mondo un posto migliore

    I have some thoughts about that, but I don't understand why people can't just talk things over? To fight, kill each other is the only option in this world?

  • Rimpianti

    I won't be young again. It's so sad.

