

  • 1
  • 다른 문화에 대한 나의 관심

    nah everything i did was freaking lame, though. Oтвет - нет

    Ты только маме что я в корея не говори

    Sweden no give a food for guest!

    Here are just freaking nerds. Wake up and get out of here if you joined here

    italian actually like pineapple pizza. but they just try to pretend that they hate pineapple :0

    We russian aren't drink water. Vodka is water, water is vodka.

  • 1년동안 외국 생활 하기

    Russland, I want to research something and write a book alone

  • 좋아하는 책/작가/영화


    Metro series

    Harry gangsta Potter - everybody pretend they have read this before. Anyway I actually read when I'm child, but I'm trying to be same with them.

  • 세계를 향해 외쳐보세요!

    Yo bro! nobody know about you! 🙂

    See u in Valhalla! God is dead! And u nerds there don't be bully only in internet.

    And some nerds will be looking my profile as it was. But I will not be here anymore and now I advise you not to waste your time to fangirl that senseless things. I know western culture don't make and care someone's taste. Em... It's just advice...

    Звезда по имени Солнце - кино

  • 세상을 더 좋은 곳으로 만들기

    Les Français! give a power to putin like putain! and i give a my best to kim; the north korean king!

