

  • 2
  • Lieblingsbuch/-autor/-film

    books: the fault in our stars, one of us is lying, every day, aristotle & dante discover the secrets of the universe, the secret life of bees and maaany more

  • Ich habe vor Kurzem gelernt...

    nothing people say to you is really because of you. everything´s just a projection from their reality and probably from their insecurities etc.

    it´s not always about the literal first time you get to experience something new, like your first kiss for example. It´s about the first time it matters to you, the first time you give it a meaning.

  • Ich rede immer gerne über...

    i guess almost everything haha... music, books, movies, activism, psychology, whole life...

  • Städte und Länder, die ich besucht habe

    a few places in austria, malta, italy and germany. but i would love to travel more!

  • Ich bin ein Experte in...

    overthinking lol and also listening

  • Ein kleiner Rat

    do the things you wanna do. be the person you wanna be. live the life you wanna live. you only have this one life. so live it the fullest and make the best of it. try new things and be open. try to have a positive mindset and don´t wait for the right opportunity, just create it. trust yourself. learn to love and forgive yourself. spend time with people you love and who make you feel good. enjoy every little moment. maybe that´s pretty much, but i think all of that is important : )

  • Freuden der Kindheit

    i loved being on winter vacation with close friends & family. the experiences were just great and i was so happy and excited every year again. enjoying every little close moment with my mom and family in general. spending time with anything that brought me joy and any people that made me laugh.

  • Ich bin begeistert von...

    people who genuinely care about me and my feelings and won‘t ever judge me for how i am or what i do<3

  • Ich bereue...

    oh i think probably a lot. but in reality i wouldn’t really change anything about it, because everything happens for a reason and i wouldn’t be the same person i am right now. some experiences just make you who you are and if that includes wrong decisions etc. then it‘s just the way it is and that’s totally fine. people need that to grow and develop and that wouldn’t happen without supposed mistakes so it’s okay i guess.

  • Über- oder unterschätzt

    snow, stormy/“bad” weather and winter in general are definitely underrated! i feel like everyone is soo excited for summer, i think summer is kinda overrated tbh haha

