
Savi2024 온라인

  • 내가 방문한 도시와 국가

    I have been privileged to travel extensively for work and with my family (wife and two daughters). Some highlights were:

    - Studying and working in the UK

    - Wildlife safaris in the heart of Botswana’s National Parks

    - Exploring various parts of the Ancient Silk Roads in Uzbekistan and China

    - Horseback riding on the Mongolian plains

    - Witnessing the dramatic landscapes of Patagonia in Argentina and Lençois Maranhenses in Brazil

    - Visiting great cities such as Rio de Janeiro, Cape Town, Chicago, London, Kyoto, Melbourne and others

  • 만약 내가 어린아이였다면

    I would become a knight.

  • 다른 문화에 대한 나의 관심

    I am interested in foreign cultures and habits, local cuisine, natural awes and specific languages.

    Current aim is to learn Spanish (Latin American).

  • 저는 ~에 대해 이야기 하는 것을 즐깁니다.

    I enjoy talking about the simple things of life, human nature and daily struggles that we have to face.

    Some special interests:

    - Traveling: do you have any tips to share? Can I be of help? Just send a shout out.

    - Music: I play electric guitar and love a chat about gear, tone chasing, sharing tabs and tips & tricks. Are you a beginner or an aspiring guitarist: let me know if you have any questions.

    - Minions: I have two daughters (little minions) and it remains fun to share parenting tips (how to survive daily disney tunes) with co-victims. Please don’t take every word seriously: I love my two little mini sharks.

  • 좋아하는 책/작가/영화

    There are not enough books on this globe.

    Currently reading:

    - Thomas Piketty: Capital and Ideology

    - Matthew Walker: Why we sleep - The new science of sleep and dreams

    - Michael Palin: Himalaya

    I have also published books myself (boring academic stuff), but it remains a magical thing whenever a new volume is out. I am very grateful to have this opportunity.

  • 사람들이 ~에 대해 더 많이 알았으면 좋겠습니다.

    Mental resilience. To stay calm facing a (proverbial) firing squad or mental demons.

    This part of life often remains uncultivated and underestimated. That is a shame.

  • 나의 부모님과 나

    Both of my parents have passed away. They remain a huge source of inspiration.

    And I am grateful that my daughters have known my parents in their initial stages of life.

  • 어린시절의 즐거움

    Not being haunted by the pressures of modern society. I try to facilitate a similar environment for my little ones.

  • 개인적인 기술

    Maintenance of physical and mental fitness has always been a main target for me. I have a weak spot for martial arts (muay thai/MMA) and I love indoor climbing.

    Currently, I am confined to the gym but wish to learn scuba diving.

  • 인간 본성에 대한 나의 의견

    I have a firm believe that humans are inherently good. Driven by anxieties or desires, people may just go off route. Let’s bring them back! 😉

  • 세상을 더 좋은 곳으로 만들기

    Let’s give each other some space and restore mutual respect on a daily basis. That may already be a good first step.

  • 지금으로부터 10년 후

    - I have traveled to Jalapão and the Amazon rainforest in Brazil

    - Attended a wedding in Laos (actually next January)

    - Have finished La Divina Commedia and La Vita Nuova by Dante Alighieri

    - Completed courses in Photography, Latin American Spanish and Scuba Diving

    - Have reduced my guitar effects to fit on one pedalboard

