

  • 1
  • I'm excited about...

    I like Dungeons&Dragons
    love listen to music.
    I play Bass guitar ♡☆
    Just come and chat with me 🙂 about anything you want ♡♡♡♡♡♡

  • Favourite books/authors/films

    I love talking about movies books and music. I also listen to a lot of music ☆☆☆ I love talking about it, Do you have any recommendations?♡

  • Living abroad for one year

    I would love to go to Norway for a couple of months.
    I am also trying to learn the language

  • A personal challenge

    learn to play my favourite songs on my bass. I get better everyday ♡♡

  • I recently learnt...

    I started snowboarding. I think I did very well💙. I hope I can practice it more next winter 🏂

