

  • 4
  • Soy un experto en...

    Photography, Video. Photoshop, Lightroom and editing in Final Cut Pro.
    I do this professionally and I make Books about people with the same heritage as me.
    I have made hundreds of portraits of people. I consider myself as an entrepreneur.

  • Mis logros de mayor orgullo

    Publish my first book in 2015. This sold out in 1 year, so now i am in the making of 3 books!the 2nd book I traveled the world for.

  • Mis intereses en otras culturas

    I am bicultural myself. I understand to live between and choose for the best traits of both worlds. The food, the cooking, the music and especially the language I would like to learn Several languages just to think and experience different things. I have made six books about my culture. My next one im thinking of is about the mixed generations and their familie histories..would that be of interest to you to write about? Send me a dm!

  • Ciudades y países que he visitado

    Indonesië, Australië,newsealand,usa,Canada,Uk,Germanen,Italy,spain,Portugal,Sweden,Ireland,Belgium,France,Croatia,Hongarije

  • Un reto personal

    Looking inward.

