

  • 11m
  • My interests in other cultures

    I'm interested in learning about other cultures, especially their unique ways of accidentally insulting people with hand gestures or unknowingly using a harmless word that actually means something completely embarrassing. It's like playing a perpetual game of cultural landmines, but hey, at least it keeps life interesting!

  • My proudest accomplishments

    What to say .... Okay
    "My proudest accomplishments? Well, let's just say I've mastered the art of eating pizza without getting any stains on my shirt. It's a talent that requires immense focus, impeccable timing, and a whole lot of napkins. Some may call it trivial, but hey, it's the little victories in life that truly matter, right?"

  • I'm an expert at...

    I'm an expert at perfectly timing the microwave so that the food is either ice-cold or an erupting volcano of molten lava. It's a talent that requires years of burnt dinners and frozen leftovers to master!.

  • Cities and countries I have visited

    "Well, let's just say I've been quite the globetrotter, leaving a trail of confused GPS systems and bewildered locals in my wake. I've managed to visit so many cities and countries that I've lost count. I mean, who needs a map when you have an uncanny ability to take wrong turns at every intersection? I've turned sightseeing into a high-stakes adventure, where getting lost becomes an integral part of the experience. So, if you're looking for a travel companion who can guarantee you a unique and unconventional journey, I'm your person. Just don't forget to pack a compass and a healthy dose of patience!"

  • A personal challenge

    The hardest thing I've ever done? Trying to remember the password I set for my brain. It's like my mind decided to create a secret code even I can't crack!

  • Favourite books/authors/films

    Ah, my favorite books, authors, and films? Well, let's just say it's a real-life version of "The Hunger Games." It's an intense competition between all the amazing books, authors, and films out there. Choosing just one feels like trying to pick a single potato chip from a freshly opened bag—it's impossible! So, I'll just say my favorites are constantly changing, keeping me on the edge of my seat, eagerly waiting for the next captivating story to come along.

  • Living abroad for one year

    If I could live abroad for one year, I'd definitely choose to reside on a cloud in the sky. Yep, that's right, I'll become a cloud dweller! Imagine the perks—no need for a passport, no pesky customs to deal with, and I'll have the best views ever! Plus, I'll have an unlimited supply of fluffy pillows to sleep on. Sure, the weather might be a bit unpredictable, but hey, who needs a stable climate when you have an ethereal abode? It's the ultimate dream destination for an adventurous person like me!

  • I always enjoy talking about...

    How many questions I have to answer..... Okay

    "Well, my friend, you know I can talk for hours about how amazing you are! But if I have to pick something other than you, I'd say I really enjoy discussing the intricate art of choosing the perfect pizza toppings. It's a topic that's close to my heart, just like you!"

  • Making the world a better place

    "Ah, my lovely friend, if I had the power to make the world a better place, I would decree mandatory daily ice cream breaks for everyone! Imagine a world where all conflicts could be resolved over a scoop of deliciousness. Peace, love, and sprinkles for all!"

  • Personal skills

    "Oh, my dear, let me tell you about my extraordinary skills that set me apart from the rest of humanity. I possess the unparalleled ability to find the TV remote in record time, even when it's right under the couch cushion! It's like I have a sixth sense for locating lost gadgets. Truly a gift, wouldn't you say?"

    Okay next question.... I am not tired..

  • Childhood pleasures

    "Well, my new friend, as a child, my absolute favorite thing was mastering the art of pretending to be asleep whenever it was time to clean my room. I had Oscar-worthy performances, complete with snoring sound effects and strategic blanket positioning. It was a skill that earned me countless hours of freedom and saved me from the dreaded chores!"

  • I recently learnt...

    "Well, my new friend, the last thing I learned is the intricate art of turning a 5-minute nap into a 3-hour slumber without getting caught. It involves advanced pillow positioning, snore simulation techniques, and a sprinkle of luck. It's a skill I've proudly mastered, leaving me well-rested and utterly clueless about the passing of time!"

  • 10 years from now

    Well, my dear friend, in 10 years I see myself living in a luxurious treehouse on a private island, sipping coconut water and being waited on by a team of robot butlers. Oh, and I'll have mastered the art of teleportation so I can travel the world without leaving my cozy abode. It's all part of my master plan for world domination... I mean, living my best life!

  • I'm excited about...

    Well, my dear new friend, I'm currently ecstatic about perfecting my skills in the ancient art of nap-taking. I've been conducting intense research on the most comfortable pillows and discovering groundbreaking techniques for maximizing relaxation. Soon, I'll become the ultimate nap champion and achieve the coveted title of "Lord of the Zzzs." It's a thrilling journey, let me tell you!

  • Something uncommon about me

    Ah, my esteemed new friend, what makes me truly unique is my extraordinary ability to find the one missing sock in a pair. Yes, while others may struggle with this enigma, I possess an uncanny sixth sense that leads me straight to the hidden sock, buried deep within the abyss of laundry machines. I'm like a sock whisperer, a guardian of solitary foot coverings, and I take my mission very seriously. Just call me the Sock Detective!

  • It was better before

    Ah, my dear new friend, let me give this question some serious thought while maintaining a touch of jest. One thing I believe was better about my parents' generation is their ability to navigate the world without the constant pressure of being photogenic. You see, in their time, they didn't have to worry about perfecting the art of the selfie or filtering their every moment for social media. They could simply live in the moment without the need to document their every meal or pose in front of every landmark. It was a time when memories were cherished in the heart rather than measured by likes and followers. Perhaps we can learn a thing or two from their unfiltered authenticity and find a balance between capturing moments and actually experiencing them.

  • It is better now

    Ah, my dear new friend, an intriguing question indeed! When it comes to improvements since my parents' generation, I must say one thing that stands out is the evolution of technology. Back in the day, if you wanted to know the answer to a burning question, you had to consult the wise elders or embark on a perilous journey to the library. But now, we have the magnificent power of the internet, where we can find the most bizarre trivia, watch adorable animal videos, and learn how to fix a leaky faucet in seconds. It's like having a vast ocean of knowledge at our fingertips, ready to amaze and entertain. Of course, it also means we're tempted to spend hours binge-watching cat videos, but hey, progress comes with its own distractions!

  • I wish people knew more about...

    Ah, my delightful new friend, I have just the answer for you, wrapped in a cloak of humor! One thing I truly wish people would understand more is the undeniable fact that pizza is a universal solution to all of life's problems. Seriously, think about it! Feeling sad? Pizza. Celebrating a milestone? Pizza. Bored on a Friday night? Pizza. It's the magical food that brings people together, soothes the soul, and fills our hearts (and stomachs) with joy. If only everyone could grasp the profound wisdom of this cheesy, saucy delight, the world would be a much happier place. So let's all unite under the banner of pizza and let its savory wisdom guide us to a more delicious future!

  • As a child, I wish...

    A thought-provoking question! If I could change anything about the way I grew up, I would have insisted on being born with a "skip puberty" button. Yes, you heard it right! Puberty, that magical phase of awkwardness and confusion, could have been easily bypassed with just a simple press of a button. Imagine the joy of avoiding voice cracks, unruly acne, and those ever so delightful growth spurts. Oh, the bliss! But alas, we must embrace our past and all its quirks, for they have shaped us into the gloriously unique individuals we are today. Puberty scars and all!

  • A career without obstacles

    Ah, my amusing new friend, get ready for a comical twist on this question! If I could pick any career, I would undoubtedly choose to be a professional napper. Yes, you heard that right! I would embrace the glamorous life of getting paid to snooze in the most luxurious locations. Imagine being the envy of all, with companies competing to hire you as their Chief Napping Officer. I'd have a stunning office equipped with fluffy pillows and cozy blankets, and my coworkers would envy my incredible ability to doze off at a moment's notice. Ah, what a dream job it would be to excel in the art of slumber while earning a steady paycheck. I'd be the nap king, ruling over a kingdom of blankets and dreams!

  • My parents and me

    Ah, my pensive new friend, let's explore the curious realms of generational differences with a dash of humor! The biggest mentality difference between my parents and me lies in our approach to technology. You see, my parents belong to the ancient era when dinosaurs roamed the Earth and dial-up internet was considered cutting-edge. They have this endearing belief that technology is a mystical and intimidating force, a realm best left unexplored. On the other hand, I, being a member of the digital generation, embrace technology with open arms and have an innate understanding of all things gadget-related. While my parents may gaze upon a smartphone with a mix of awe and bewilderment, I'm there, effortlessly swiping and navigating like a tech-savvy wizard. It's a mentality gap, my friend, where floppy disks meet cloud storage, and rotary phones meet voice-activated assistants. But hey, we can always bridge the divide with a patient tech support hotline and a good dose of laughter!

