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  • Мой интерес к другим странам

    Seeking aggressive woman for gratuitous unfulfilling sex. Looking for a whiny, crazy lady with emotional baggage, a misplaced sense of self-entitlement and over hyped expectations. I’m open to a rapidly unfolding chaotic fling but would prefer a slow, soul crushing descent into a haze of alcohol and pills. All applicants considered in strict confidence. Previous applicants need not apply.

  • Мои достижения

    Three years of successful independent living in various shop doorways in Cardboard City, busking my guitar with my dancing dog. Got by on occasional sales of The Big Issue and cups of tea, broken biscuits and other generous handouts donated by passing members of public. Now at risk of slipping further down the queue for gratuitous handouts as boatloads of dubious mongrels invite themselves to join us and take endless advantage of anyone and everyone .

    Beware as those following a certain religion desert their own third world existences to create the same miserable, medieval and backward Islamic lifestyles in Europe, happily collecting free handouts wherever they end up and claiming oppression with the back up of the race card as and when needed.

