

  • 3
  • 让世界变得更美好

    I think that the worlds biggest problem is that people wont admit that their wrong so they will do anything to make themselves right. And EQUALITY NEEDS TO BE IN FORCED AMUNG THE WORLD!

  • 我曾去过的国家和城市

    Cities i have visited include Dallas, Texas, Seattle, Washington, Portland, Oregon and Hawaii. Countries i have visited include Mexico and USA

  • 我是……的专家

    Sports, my main sports are Basketball, Volleyball and football and soccer. And I know almost everything about horses. And I know a lot about the universe/space.

  • 最喜欢的书籍/作者/电影

    My favorite movie is Interstellar and my favorite book is The fault in our stars by John Green.

  • 在国外居住一年

    Finland, because my ancestors came from Finland and I have dreamed to go there.

  • 我最骄傲的成就

    My proudest accomplishment so far is getting to play on high school varsity for both basketball and volleyball my 8th and 9th grade years so far. And I am also very proud that I have gotten on SLI (Student Leadership Institute)

  • 我对其他文化的兴趣

    I love learning about other cultures!

  • 个人挑战

    A personal challenge I have is speaking in front of large crowds, 10 or more people really get me nervous. And I'm afraid of spiders and messing up especially in front of people.

  • 我总是喜欢谈论……


  • 个人技能

    My personal skills include, Basketball, volleyball, baking and cleaning.😂

  • 童年的欢乐

    Not having all responsibilities but still getting more and more as you grow.

  • 我最近学会了……

    I am currently learning geometry. And I am actually getting the hang of it.

  • 10年后

    I want to be in medical school and be learning how to become a neurosurgeon.

  • 我对……感到兴奋

    Hopefully, Corona will end some day. 🙏

  • 我的与众不同之处

    I have 16 boy cousins and 1 girl cousin.

  • 过去更好

    Corona, I wish the world could go back to the way it was. 🙏

  • 现在更好

    I think technology has definitely gotten way better. 🎮💻🖥🖱📺

  • 我希望人们知道更多,关于……

    That you should treat others how you would want to be treated.

  • 作为一个孩子,我希望……

    To someday make a difference in the world, and that someday my friends and acquaintances will say I remember I knew her before she became famous.

  • 没有障碍的事业

    Be an astronomer or astronaut.

  • 父母和我

    Their is not much of a difference.

  • 我对未来的感想

    Yes I am feeling optimistic about the future, and I hope that one day their will be peace among the whole earth and maybe beyond it.

  • 我对人性的看法

    I believe it depends on the person some people are good at heart and others are not.

  • 我感到担心……

    About the direction the world is heading into.

  • 一个诀窍或建议

    Be kind to others and if you never try you will always fail.

  • 生命中的遗憾

    Not trying my hardest at everything I have done.

  • 完善学校制度

    A variety of different languages not just 2 you have to pick from.

  • 高估或低估

    People definitely don't appreciate reading as much as they should.

  • 有什么想对世界说的

    I want everyone to live up to their full potential. "You lose friends as you take life seriously. That's why a lambo has 2 seats and a bus has 30." Think about that

