

  • 7
  • Πάντα απολαμβάνω να μιλάω για...

    I enjoy talking about anything interesting that captivates my own senses and those around me, understand my better self.

    I am a talkative person who loves learning about the world, cultures, languages, food, oh, I love food, specially when it is spicy.

    I am not so keen talking about Politics, but, Politics is part of our daily lives, providing social order and the rules we have to follow, well, you do not have to follow those rules, just go with the flow.

  • Κάτι να πεις στον κόσμο!

    My name is Nuno Miguel, 40 , Portuguese, living in the UK. I am here because, I would like to meet new people, someone who wants a real friend and thank goodness I found this website, at least, I hope to find a person that is willing to be my friend, not just a friend and then disappear.

    I don't want that, I want a true friend, Do you know what I am conveying?


    As I am here on earth for a reason so let such reason fulfill my existence, my true essence.

    I want to develop and learn from the experiences I get along in life

     Having a friend is the best thing a person can have, because, you learn through others, you learn other cultures, other traditions and so much more.

    I Am a person of peace, (eventhough I am not perfect in any way), I prefer to be an imperfect human being and learn about the mistakes I make along the path of life than being perfect,  as perfection exists only in one's mind.

    It is no point in stating something that cannot be achieved, you may be able to self-actualize, reach your true potential but, never perfection.Anyhow, I am a very sociable individual, who likes to go out, listen to the latest music on tv or over the net, travel to other countries and learn other languages, traditions.

    If you believe I have some of the qualities you are looking for in a friend then do not hesitate in sending a message.

  • Πόλεις και χώρες που έχω επισκεφθεί

    I have been to Brazil 9 times, Dominican Republic, Philippines, Luxembourg, Germany, Indonesia, Singapore, Bolivia, Paraguay, Malta, Italy.

    I am very fond of Brazil, as my niece is from there, I also have family in other countries, Angola, South Africa and Portugal.

    I am always happy to travel, as I get to see the world with my own eyes, learn about food, customs and traditions.

  • Τα πιο σημαντικά μου κατορθώματα

    I have had a lot of opportunities to achieve what life was trying to give me, but, I was always a step behind. I have lost a lot of opportunities but, I can always try and make new ones.

    It is easy to give up, but, if we try and be positive, believe in ourselves then we can certainly conquer many wonderful things.

    This year, I am trying to organize my life, and next year I may well be thinking of doing something fulfilling, another job, or even learn a new language.

  • Οι γονείς μου κι εγώ

    I get on well with my mother Maria, we were born on the very same day and month, isn't that so cool? There are times when we do not get along, where there are many opposites etc, but, that is just a learning process, we learn from each other and we always treat each other with respect.

    I do not tend to talk a a lot about myself but, I am not afraid of telling people who I really am, I just want to be respected and respect others who deserve my respect.

  • Είμαι ειδικός σε...

    Languages. I am learning a few things here and there. I just top up my knowledge of languages once in a while.

  • Μετάνοιες ζωής

    I have many, one of them is for not taking the opportunities of doing something I always wanted to do, Languages, Psychology and perhaps anything that would allow me to fulfill my ultimate goal.

    It is never too late to start afresh, renergise my passion for languages & Psychology and take it from there really.

    It is easy to give up, but, if you feel positive and optimistic about achieving something with your life, then, go for it, besides, we are all here for one reason, to define your purpose and provide a meaningful existence to your life.

  • Η γνώμη μου για την ανθρώπινη φύση

    Human nature is the connection we all have with our innerselves. I am as human as you are, I have my humanity, I am always trying to learn, develop, act upon my actions and develop a better understanding of the world around me, trying to make a better version of myself and cast away my learning experience to those whom are ready to listen to what I have to say.

    Being human is the best way to live your life, you are here to fulfill your destiny, respect yourself and those around you.

    You will have a rewarding life and an experience that ultimately will take you to the next level, Be human, Be yourself, Be YOUUUU.

  • Το αίσθημά μου για το μέλλον

    I am optimistic about the future, I am hoping technology allows us to transcend the boundaries and limitations of what we already know. The care towards Cancer, take a flight on a spacecraft and live in another planet, anything is possible.

  • Ζώντας στο εξωτερικό για έναν χρόνο

    I would go back to Iceland again. I lived just outskirts of Reykjavik in 2007, for 1 year, working as a Stock Controller, loved it.

  • Ανησυχώ για...

    Concerned about how the world is changing, due to the actions of humans. We all have to come together for a common goal, help protect the world in which we are living in and hoping for the best to happen.

  • Ως παιδί, εύχομαι...

    I could change the way I was treated. I was bullied for a number of years, whilst at school. I asked and implored my teachers, parents and see if they could do something to stop how I was being treated.

    If I had the opportunity to change how I grew up, it would have an impact for the better, as life would be following a different path.

  • Το ενδιαφέρον μου για άλλες κουλτούρες

    I am always interested in learning how Culture impacts the way we see the world, how our senses are in tune with the social world. Culture is how we learn about ourselves, the values of a particular social group we belong to and establish our role in such group and society as a whole.

  • Μία προσωπική πρόκληση

    I remember one time when I was working at a local Hospital, a patient fell from his bed to the floor and there was no-one around. I had to secure the patient briefly and called in the Nurse.

    The hardest part was being scared of not being able to deal with the situation, as I have never experienced that before.

    I was able to comfort him and say, "Do not worry, I am here, everything will be just fine".

  • Αγαπημένα βιβλία/συγγραφείς/ταινίες

    Bury at my Heart at Wounded Knee.
    Dances with Wolves.

  • Κάνοντας τον κόσμο ένα καλύτερο μέρος

    Change is never easy but, we can learn to change the impact we have in the world. We can help ecosystems thrive, eradicate our carbon footprint, we can even be less dependent on fossil fuels and be green.

  • 10 χρόνια από τώρα

    I do not know what will happen in 10 years. What I do today can have an impact in my life. I want a job, a new career, fall in love, have kids, travel the world and be happy, that is what I want to happen in 10 years.

