

  • 8
  • 세계를 향해 외쳐보세요!

    Hello there, nice to meet you! My name is Maarten, I'm 24 years old and I live in Midwoud, The Netherlands. I'm currently working fulltime at a supermarket's distribution center. In my spare time I like to read books, go out with my dogs or on my motorcycle, watch movies and YouTube videos and listen to music. Feel free to send me a message if you'd like to talk to me, don't hesitate because I promise I won't bite. Hope to speak to you soon!

  • 좋아하는 책/작가/영화

    I hate it when people ask about my favorite books and/or movies. It's so hard to choose since there are SO MANY good books and movies.

    My favorite writer is easy: Stephen King. I adore his work to the fullest and I'm currently working on reading on all his books. Some of my favorite books are Christine, IT & The Stand, all written by Stephen King. Other authors I like are Clive Barker, Joe Hill and Arnold Schwarzenegger. I don't have a favorite movie since I like so many movies. My favorite kind of movie type is either a Disney and/or Pixar movie or some American movie from the 70's or 80's. My favorite actor is Arnold Schwarzenegger: I loved The Terminator and Terminator 2: Judgment Day.

  • 다른 문화에 대한 나의 관심

    I'm interested in all kinds of cultures and would like to know as much as possible about most of them as life goes on 🙂

  • 1년동안 외국 생활 하기

    If I'd had the chance to live in a foreign country for one year, I'd LOVE to live in the United States for a year. I'm dying to go there once and to live there would even be more amazing. Although I do have my preferences of course, I wouldn't mind not living anywhere I prefer, as long as it's in the USA.

  • 내가 방문한 도시와 국가

    The countries I have visited are Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Poland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.

  • 어린시절의 즐거움

    What I've enjoyed most about being a child is the lack of responsibility. You don't have to worry about anything as a kid, it's so relaxed! Now that I'm a grownup and I've got all kinds of responsibilities. It can be nice of course but some times I wish I was a child again.

  • 나의 자랑스러운 업적

    I'm most proud of my book collection. I collect all the Dutch editions from every Stephen King book and I've already got a lot of them, including a couple of rare books and special books. I'm very proud of that!

  • 미래에 대한 나의 느낌

    The future is going to be just fine as long as I keep believing in myself and as long as I do what I like to do.

  • 저는 ~에 대해 이야기 하는 것을 즐깁니다.

    All kinds of things!

  • 세상을 더 좋은 곳으로 만들기

    By making love, not war. And by being more careful with the earth. We've only got one earth guys!

  • 저는 ~에 대해 흥미를 느낍니다 (신납니다).

    Good books, good music and good movies.

