

  • 2
  • Ciudades y países que he visitado

    🌼🌼🌼🌼 I visited : France, Spain, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, and UK.
    It's extremely difficult to pick up the country I like the most because all of them were very interesting ! What about you ?🌼🌼🌼🌼

  • Siempre disfruto hablar sobre...

    🌼🌼🌼🌼 Cats !!! 🐱 and other things of course ! Haha ! 🌼🌼🌼🌼

  • Mis logros de mayor orgullo

    🌼🌼🌼🌼 My proudest accomplishment is maybe to succeed learning English by-myself even if I still make mistakes haha 🙂 🌼🌼🌼🌼

  • Un reto personal

    🌼🌼🌼🌼 To be better in English , Dutch and also maybe to begin to learn German and Polish. 🌼🌼🌼🌼

  • Habilidades personales

    🌼🌼🌼🌼 I do love drawing and cooking 🌼🌼🌼🌼

