

  • 4
  • Moje kulturowe zainteresowania

    I wish to chat with people from all over the world. It is my belief that by getting to know people -- we can end racism and achieve world peace.

  • Moja opinia o przyszłości

    I am generally optimistic about the future... although my family & I have a lot to do to get to that point. 🙂

  • Moja opinia o naturze ludzkiej

    I believe that people are inherently good. However, I also believe that most of us are conformists by nature. So if one person starts bullying another, I believe that if the bully is considered "cool" or is "well-liked," that in most cases, everyone else will start bullying the victim.

    Therefore -- I believe that we should all Question Everything. We should be kind & respectful to everyone -- unless they are trying to hurt us, someone else or themselves.

  • Największy żal

    I regret many things in my life. The biggest regret is allowing others to make my decisions for me. Hence, I am now making my own decisions -- before it's too late. I am working toward a better future for myself, my family & for the planet. 🙂

  • Miasta i państwa, które odwiedziłem

    As a teenager, I went just across the border to Mexico, several years in a row, for Spring Break. I loved it there! The people were so nice & I really wish I could go back... 🙂

  • Zawszę lubię rozmawiać o...

    I have lots of interests ~ anything creative (especially writing poetry), music, the visual arts... I'm also very interested in psychology (which is why I'm majoring in it in college, currently), philosophy, reading, random trivia... getting to learn about other cultures... obscure people & things... ancient history & prehistory, the environment, animals & animal rights/vegetarianism, "alternative" religions & spiritual paths -- especially paganism, Indigenous peoples from all over the world... would like to learn more about natural ways of healing... so many other things.

