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  • 有什么想对世界说的

    Hi my name is Michelle (bi, she/they) I'm 14 years old and I live in the Netherlands. I'm looking for a new penpal around my age. Here are some of my hobbies, I like watching anime, listening to music, playing video games and to chat with (new) friends. You can always contact me if you wanna be friends<3

    Btw I'm really sorry for not being active for so long. I was busy with taking care of myself, I wasn't really in a good state to make new friends sorry ): I hope I can be more active from now on!
    You can also send me a dm on Insta: @miemietjee if you want me to respond faster.

  • 一个诀窍或建议

    Do what you want, don't listen to others opinions! If they have hate on you, just ignore them. I experienced something like that myself. I was kinda bullied because I changed my hairstyle. I just ignored them and they stopped by them selves! It might take a while, but it's worth it. And if anything has happened/happens to you, you can always contact me about it and I can maybe help you if you want <3

  • 我对其他文化的兴趣

    I really love the langauge English! I also really want to go to London, New York (NY), Washington or Los Angeles (LA)! I'm learning English in school and I learn it from watching movies (English subtitles, English audio and Dutch subtitles and only English without subtitles) playing (English)games and reading (English books). I hope I meet a new friend on here who is English, that would be a good experience! Not only for me but also for you (if you wanna be my friend) (:

  • 我是……的专家

    I love to do drama, I hope I'll be an expert in that one day... I also play chess I did a few compititions and I won the 3rd place (:

  • 让世界变得更美好

    We can make the world a better place by working together, if only one person is gonna take action it's not going to have a big impact at the world. I don't know how we exactly can make the world a better place, maybe I'll figure it out by time. But for now let's just have some fun in our lives! 🙂

  • 最喜欢的书籍/作者/电影

    I really love to read books from Carry Slee, also fantasy, Sci-Fi, action and books about teenagers! The same at movies. I'm too scared to watch horror movies alone, but with a friend or two it can be fun!

  • 我总是喜欢谈论……

    Actually I like talking about almost everything. There isn't really a specific thing I really enjoy talking about. (:

  • 我对……感到兴奋

    Gaming, watching anime, and drama! I love to game it's so much fun to do! Most likely with friends... And I'd love to watch anime with some friends 🙂

  • 没有障碍的事业

    I really want to become an actress one day. I already do drama classes, it's so much fun to do! But it's very difficult to climb to the top so I'll keep it as hobby for now (:

  • 我感到担心……

    At this moment, I'm very worried about the corona-virus, not the virus itself but more about how the goverment here in the Netherlands takes care of it. I'm afraid that it's never going to be the same as before it virus...

  • 我的与众不同之处

    I don't know what makes me so special, I think I still have to figure that out. Maybe if we become friends you can tell me haha (:

