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  • ¡Algo que decir al mundo!

    Hi everyone! I'm Giulia from Italy, I'm 20 and I'd like to learn the polish language. In return I can teach you italian, or speak english with you. Feel free to text me here, or just add me on Instagram (@murderskitty)!

  • Siempre disfruto hablar sobre...

    Tv series, movies, anime, literature, philosophy, music, everything you want to talk to!

  • Libros/autores/películas de tu preferencia

    My books TOP 3 is:
    Una donna spezzata, Simone De Beauvoir.
    Lolita, Vladimir Nabokov.
    Sempre non è per sempre, Helen Van Slyke.
    But I read so much and I liked very much books.

    While my fav film is Donnie Darko and also Eternal Sunshine of the spotless mind and I'm a super fan of Marvel films!

  • Ciudades y países que he visitado

    I traveled in Italy (fav city: Rome) and in Poland (fav city: Warsaw) and I'd like to travel in all the world (like Japan, I'd really like to go to Japan).

  • Mis logros de mayor orgullo

    I'm proud of myself! I like my personality and I really had to work hard to like myself.

  • Mis intereses en otras culturas

    I'd like to learn language most of all, but also I'd like to know something about food (yeah, I'm really a "buona forchetta" that in italian means "chow down"😉.

  • Soy un experto en...

    Literature (I love italian, english, greek and latin literature), books (my fav genre are romance novel and crime novels), anime, tv series and basketball.

  • Habilidades personales

    I'm perfect in mouthful, I speak really fast and I speak so much! I think I'm chatty. Oh, and I'm a basketball referee!

  • En 10 años

    I hope I will be a career woman, married and with one child. Oh, and I hope I'll live in Poland or in London.

  • Algo no muy común sobre mi

    My hair! Ha, just kiddin'. I'm smart and I always analyze thing and person. I always have something to talk to!

  • Viviendo en el extranjero por un año

    Poland Poland Poland POLAND
    And London! Also I like Alaska or Japan!

