

  • 5
  • ¡Algo que decir al mundo!

    Hey everyone,
    My name is Waldemar,
    I'm from Germany.
    I like chatting with different people. I'm interested in so many different things, like cars (I love cars), cultures, science, technology, philosophy and so on. Just aks me anything you want and we can talk about it.

  • Mis intereses en otras culturas

    It's very simple. Learn as much as possible

  • Estoy emocionado por...

    Cars, Cosplay, and and and...

  • Mi opinión sobre la naturaleza humana

    When you think you found an answer, it's actually a set of new questions

  • Algo no muy común sobre mi

    That's something you have to find out yourself

  • De pequeño siempre quise...

    I wish that when I will be daddy one day, that my children will be healthy, happy and respectful, no matter what gender. Just happy and healthy little kids that thread everyone with respect, that's all I wish for my children to be.

