

  • 1
  • Расскажите что-нибудь

    Heyy im Missy and im just looking for some people to chat
    Btw I accidentally wrote my name wrong in the profile haha 😅
    I like talking about everything and I often talk to much but if
    You are also searching for some random people to talk with youre welcome!
    Btw im obsessed with DRACO MALFOY tom and Mattheo Riddle and parsa ofc so yeah just for u to know

  • Я люблю поговорить о...

    I like talking about everything so just start something and we can discuss it😄

  • Мои достижения

    Uhh….I dont really know???😅
    Maybe the one time i got first place of all the kids in table tennis that play in Hessen,
    was a great experience!

  • Я специалист в...

    Im definitly an expert at thinking not logically there is no logic in this world
    Oh and im also an expert at making everything wrong and pissing of my sister🤣

  • Любимые книги/писатели/фильмы

    My favorite books hm 🤔?
    I actually like every book I read and that are to many to write down,
    but my most favorite book is ugh idk its to difficult to answer😋

  • Карьера без преград

    Let me think for a second……….. I would be Parsas unicorn sista 🦄🦄🦄

  • Кое-что необычное обо мне

    In my personal life im an outsider,people come to me if they had a fight or something else to talk about it but they never stay after some time they just leave again,
    Maybe im just to different

  • Испытания

    The hardest thing I ever done was to convince my parents to allow me to adopt a doggie

  • За границу на один год

    Of course I would go to Barcelona its the best place ever!

