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  • Villes et pays visités

    My biggest impression was my first flight to the USA when I was 6 Years old. Followed by the next one 8 years later.
    It was interesting how different my perceptions of the country and people were, despite the not too big difference in age. However, positive in both cases. I liked being there. And if I hadn't been in love with one of my classmates the second time around 😉 I would have gladly stayed in America.
    As a member of the German Air Force, I was in Canada twice in the 1980s. The vastness, the forests, the originality of the country were overwhelming. What I really disliked, however, was the way the indigenous people were treated there and at the time.
    In Nancy in France, I was also with the German Airforce for an Allies meeting. In Austria I was on vacation for two weeks in the summer, in northern Italy for a family celebration for a few days. The Netherlands is not far from where I live. I like to go there again and again. I was allowed to visit Dublin more often because the company I worked for was headquartered there. As you can see, there are many ways to get to know a country and/or cities

  • Mes plus grandes fiertés

    My motorcycle. Feel so free, so unstoppable and a little bit like you are flying across the floor. Two wheels with an engine in between that has enough power, there's hardly not realy much, that can beat thist.

  • Ce qui m'intéresse dans les autres cultures

    I am very interested in the North American First Nations. Their culture, their way of life in times when there were enough buffalo that the Indians needed for food, clothing and tools. The Middle Ages in general is also a time that I find very exciting.

    And referring to today, I am interested in languages and the dishes of many nations - here not only the food, but also the authentic preparation

  • Je suis un(e) expert(e) à...

    What does an expert mean? There are many who believe to be one, but often turn in the whirlpool of the "soup plate" of their "knowledge"(?) without being able/wanting to think outside the box. What I can and knows is enough to "survive" ;-D . We'll see if I'm really an expert in something when it comes down to it :-D

  • Un défi personnel

    There has been so much in the last 60 years. And hopefully there will be a few more in the following ones.

  • Livres/auteurs/films favoris

    I love the Physician trilogy by Noah Gordon. Also Stories and documentations from the Middle Ages. Primarily from the Anglo-Saxon parts of the world and of course especially the North American Indians. Authors I like are Sir Athur Conan Doyle, Edgar Allan Poe and Robert Louis Stevenson. R.L. Stevenson's Bottle imp is a little story, I read often again. This I like very much. Last but not least There is Diana-Gabaldon's Outlander (Highland-Saga). One movies impreddes me very. The Lovestory. Music, the actors, and the story itself are - my opinion - very profound. Otherwise I like a lot of movies, also of different kinds. What disappointed me (as a movie) was Lord of the Rings. Only special effects and almost no convincing narration - I kept falling asleep.

  • Pour un monde meilleur...

    Where should I start 😉 ... Think at every thing you do. Do not believe:
    1. people who tell you what to do, as you see, they do the oppsit by themselves
    2. people who tell you that they have the only right answer
    3.people who do not pay attention into the actions and mistakes, made in the past
    (widely) in their wanted goals.
    4. People who are obviously talking about things they have no idea about
    5. Politicians
    6. Greedys
    7. Posers

  • J'aime toujours parler de...

    Well, I'll talk when there's something I feel I need to share. That's why the phrase "I always like to talk ... about..." doesn't really apply to me.

  • Dans 10 ans

    I'm sorry, but this rather a little stupid question has annoyed me in lots of job interviews in the past. Because no answer really says anything. If I want to know if someone has plans, I ask about them. If I want to know what pushes someone - now(!) - I ask about it. What actual goals someone has and whether he/she has the potential and the power to achieve them - if that is of interest at all - can only be seen realistically with the time that you spend with someone.

  • Mon opinion sur la nature humaine

    775 / 5.000
    Very realistically, we are the most dangerously weaponized species on earth. With that, we have subjugated everything else. Any other species would do the same if it were able. Lions eat the offspring of their competitors, orcas play with cute little seals before eating them or leaving them their own 'kids' to practice hunting. etc. etc. We humans have realized that we have not done enough to preserve our planet for a too long time. We want to improve, but those who want to "lead" us continue to support those who are unable to learn from their own and especially others' mistakes. people keep lying, they keep 'refraining', they keep 'chasing after'. So at the end, as long as we don't bring our rules, our values and our motives into line with a peaceful, empathetic form of society, what has to happen will happen.

  • Une astuce ou un conseil

    It's not my job to give you such 😉

  • Mes regrets

    Let me say it in Edith Piaf's words: je ne regrette rien!

  • Quelque chose à dire.

    To the world? No! Maybe to you ... but if and what first can be said, when I know who you are...

  • Mon sentiment sur le futur

    Actually only one important one at the moment: Ukraine should ward off the terrorist attack by Putin and the Russians supporting him and win against these criminals. Then all who murdered, raped, tortured, humiliated, stole and destroyed shall be caught, condemned and brought to their just punishment.

  • Vivre à l'étranger pendant un an

    British Columbia, Southpart of italy

  • Je suis capable de...

    I'm really good at twiddling my thumbs :-D

  • Plaisirs d'enfance

    My first rootbeer, playing with my friends in our street (not so much cars than yet), also playing in the wood round my hometown (not so much criminals than yet). Built our own toys (For example made of wood, sheet metal or bark), pimping our bicycles. We weren't distracted by computers or smartphones from being creative as a kid. We swam in the lakes on the outskirts of our city. Because they were clean back then.

  • Quelque chose d'inhabituel sur moi

    pshwshpshpshwsh (don't understand? sorry but this is private and I only whisper it to people I trust). And if you haven't heard, I won't let you get close enough :-D

  • C'était mieux avant

    Everything ;-D

  • C'est mieux maintenant

    Some things ;-D

  • Étant enfant, j'aurai aimé...

    Looking around: Is this Scientology ;-|

  • Mes parents et moi

    Looking around: Is this Scientology ;-|

  • J'ai récemment appris...

    Keep my mouth closed while chewing while eating. Ok, joke! But I wish more people would do just that.

