

  • 4
  • Расскажите что-нибудь

    I really enjoy cooking and dancing as well as a good glass of wine while watching a kids movie!
    I enjoy life so much and that is why I love travelling. It openes your mind in such a unique way. So I will share everithing i have seen or lived with others. And try to create good memories to be told many times.
    Oh, and I love origamis!


    I currently live in Spain with my boyfriend, German. We are calm, open-minded people, who enjoy different activities equally, like laying under the sun in a park and going to a disco.
    We really like cooking and trying local foods!

  • Испытания

    Trouve ma place dans le monde.

    J'aimerais vivre en pleine nature et travailler pour rendre les autres heureux

